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seismometers Meaning in Bengali



seismometers শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

Hypocenter Shadow zone Seismic waves P-wave S-wave পরিমাপ Seismic scales সিসমোমিটার গণনা Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction Forecasting অন্যান্য ।

জাপান জুড়ে অবস্থিত অসংখ্য সিসমোমিটার থেকে প্রাপ্ত তথ্যের বিশাল ভাণ্ডার থেকে কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য প্রকৃত-সময়ে ।

স্যাকারোমিটার(saccharometer) দ্রবণে চিনির পরিমাণ (amount of sugar in a solution) সিসমোমিটার(seismometer) সিসমিক তরঙ্গ (যেমন- ভূমিকম্প) (seismic waves (for example ।

চীনের জেং হেং (৭৮-১৩৯AD) একটি জল ঘড়ি ও একটি সিসমোমিটার উদ্ভাবন করেন এবং মা জুন (২০০-২৬৫ AD) ডিফারেনশিয়াল গিয়ারের আকৃতি উদ্ভাবন ।

seismometers's Usage Examples:

Early seismometers used optical levers or mechanical linkages to amplify the small motions.

The sensor unit contained three matched long-period (LP) seismometers aligned orthogonally in a triaxial set to measure one vertical and two.

Requiring accessible bedrock on which to place seismometers, the Seismo Lab could not originally be located on the Caltech campus.

Often teleseismic events can be picked up only by seismometers that are in low background noise locations; whereas, in general, a tremor.

Some drum seismometers are still found, especially when used for public display.

Routinely, waves that break can be recorded on seismometers.

Network, or PNSN, collects and studies ground motions from about 400 seismometers in the U.

The existence of moonquakes was an unexpected discovery from seismometers placed on the Moon by Apollo astronauts from 1969 through 1972.

Because the earthquake occurred before seismometers were operating in the region, the magnitude of the shock and its location.

Using seismometers and earthquake location, the requisite pattern of micro-earthquakes can.

for his role in establishing an international network of long-period seismometers.

system or earthquake early warning system is a system of accelerometers, seismometers, communication, computers, and alarms that is devised for notifying adjoining.

earthquake observation network using their own custom built short period seismometers, the Richter magnitude scale, and an updated version of the Mercalli.

However, the greatest earthquake in Canadian history recorded by seismometers was the 1949 Queen Charlotte earthquake, an interplate earthquake that.

inertial sensors (which include accelerometers, gyroscopes, tilt meters, seismometers, and related devices) based on an electrochemical mechanism.

aftershock fault rupture mechanisms, and were on site setting up temporary seismometers before the end of 1988.

Sokuhō) is a warning issued when an earthquake is detected by multiple seismometers.

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