<< septate septations >>

septation Meaning in Bengali

বিভাগ বা নাসামধ্য পর্দা দ্বারা অংশের মধ্যে একটি গহ্বর পার্টিশন

septation's Usage Examples:

"Neural crest cells contribute to normal aorticopulmonary septation".

bodies, white spore print, and bisterigmate basidia (often with secondary septation).

The septation may also continue caudally into the vagina resulting in a "double vagina".

Sometimes it may lead to striae on nipples, mainly a preceding symptom of septation mastitis.

for atrial septation.

Osr1 can also interact with Tbx5 to regulate posterior second heart field cell cycle progression for cardiac septation.

the myometrium of the fundus dips into the cavity and may form a small septation.

The actual mechanism of septation of the outflow tract is poorly understood, but is recognized as a dynamic.

This atrial patterning occurs prior to septation.

be difficult to see posterior wall soft tissue nodularity or thickened septation due to limited ultrasound beam penetrance at this size and depth.

on microscopic morphology including: conidial morphology, especially septation, shape, size, colour and cell wall texture, the arrangement of conidia.

of species is based on the gross morphology of the ascocarp, color and septation of the ascospores, and shape and ornamentation of the paraphyses.

It differs from other Exserohilum species in the size, shape, and septation of its conidia.

plays a vital role in forming connective tissues that aid in outflow septation and modelling of the aortic arch arteries during early development.

morphology and may be involved in switching the cell between elongation and septation systems during cell division.

cardiac looping, impaired ventricular development and defective chamber septation.

Cellular division is exhibited through septation.

form a septin ring at the base, Double rings form at sites of hyphal septation, and a septin cap forms at hyphal tips.

"Cytokinetic actomyosin ring formation and septation in fission yeast are dependent on the full recruitment of the polo-like.

Unlike classical seminoma, fibrous septation and lymphocytic infiltrates are not seen.

septation's Meaning':

the division or partitioning of a cavity into parts by a septum


partition; sectionalisation; division; sectionalization; partitioning; segmentation;


Phanerogamae; Cryptogamia; end; misconception; beginning;

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