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servient Meaning in Bengali


কারপরদাজ, চাকরে, চাপরাসী, চাপরাসি, খাদিম, খিদমতগার, খেটেল, অনুজীবী, জীবক, চেড়, চেটক, কিঙ্কর, উপাসক, অনুচারী, পরিচারক, প্রেষ্য, সেবক, বান্দা, কর্মচারী, দাস, চাকর, ভৃত্য,

servient শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

জীবক কুমারভচ্চ খ্রিস্টপূর্ব ৫৪০ সনে মগধের রাজধানী রাজগৃহ নগরীতে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন ।

জীবক কুমারভচ্চ মগধ নরেশ বিম্বিসার ও অজাতশত্রুর ।

মুনিমকে সেনারা প্রহার করে এবং ঢাকা হলে হত্যা করে গণিতের অধ্যাপক এ আর খান খাদিম আর অধ্যাপক শরাফত আলীকে ।

servient's Usage Examples:

the party granting the benefit or suffering the burden is the servient estate (or servient tenement).

misuse - if a profit is used in such a way that it places a burden on the servient estate, then it will be terminated.

A servient estate (or servient premises or servient tenement) is a parcel of land that is subject to an easement.

real property that has an easement over another piece of property (the servient estate).

In all cases the neighbouring, impacted, "servient" land does not have to be adjoining.

interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property (servient estate) and attached to a superior property (dominant estate) or to some.

of vehicular access from a public road included a right to park on the servient tenement such vehicles as were reasonably incidental to the enjoyment of.

dominant land is extended (to an incertain extent) the easement on the servient land will be extended (even to a certain degree) is insufficient.

little inconvenience as possible is caused to the servient owner, and such that the burden on the servient property is not increased beyond the express or.

datum est ei regnum, et honor: * Et omnis populus, tribus, et linguae servient ei.

was: to what extent can the owner of a private road easement traverse the servient estate to not only reach the dominant estate, but a parcel (subsequently.

King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary donated the monastery to his servient, Bajoni István, who rebuilt the church.

easements by user stands thus: Consent or acquiescence of the owner of the servient tenement lies at the root of prescription, and of the fiction of a lost.

dominant estate acquiesced in violation of the servitude by the holder of the servient estate (acquiescence).

must be a dominant and a servient tenement: (2) an easement must "accommodate" the dominant tenement: (3) dominant and servient owners must be different.

enforceability, as constituting an equitable servitude or burden on the servient land.

Nield also argued that there was no servient tenement.

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