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set Meaning in Bengali

 অস্ত যাওয়া, স্থাপন করা, বিন্যস্ত করা


ঝাঁক, সদৃশ দল, কেতা, প্রস্ত, চক্রিদল, আনুষঙ্গিক অংশসমূহ, সেট,


ডুবা, নামিয়া যাত্তয়া, অবনতি প্রাপ্ত হত্তয়া, অস্ত যাত্তয়া, অধিবেশন চলিতে থাকা, চাপিয়া ধরা, ধার দেত্তয়া, সুর বাঁধা, গণ্য করা, মূল্যাবধারণ করা, খাটান, নিযুক্ত করা, নিয়ন্ত্রিত করা, আকীর্ণ করা, সমাচ্ছন্ন করা, ফ্রেমে পরান, খচিত বসান, খচিত করা, বাজি ধরা, আচ্ছাদিত করা, পরিবেশন করা, বিন্যস্ত করা, সাজান করা, সরান, হত্তয়ান, চালু করা, ধার্য করা, রাখা, স্থাপন করা, কাজে লাগা, কাজে লাগান, জমাট বাঁধা, জমাট বাঁধান, যথাস্থানে থাকা, যথাস্থানে রাখা, বসান, বসা,


ডুবা, নিয়মিত, দৃঢ়সঙ্কল্প, স্থির,

set's Usage Examples:

Patrick Gorman provided on-set reference for an elderly Steve Rogers.

Although most of the film is set in Alabama, filming took place mainly in and around Beaufort, South Carolina.

months in fall 2018, with writer-director Zhao splitting time between the set and pre-production for Eternals (2021).

contemporaneous with airing) and a storyline taking place at a set time in the past; but some episodes are set in one time period or use multiple flashback time periods.

Holland, Watts, and the writers were all set to return by the end of 2017.

on standing sets in a San Fernando Valley warehouse.

The soap opera show-within-the-show Invitation to Love was not shot on a studio set, but in the Ennis.

Machines and originally Acorn RISC Machine) is a family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architectures for computer processors, configured for various.

Diesel appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! and announced that the film would be set in New York City.

and later by Entertainment Weekly from a set visit.

Jon Watts, director of Spider-Man: Homecoming, was on set for the filming of Spider-Man's scenes, in.

David Frankel was initially set to direct with Zaillian now writing the screenplay, but was soon replaced.

to Connecticut to spend time with Lorraine Warren, who also visited the set during production.

"James Bond set-besøg i Adana" [On the set of 'Skyfall'] (in Danish).

"CINEMA-TV – Teens infiltrate James Bond set, film fight.

, where the series is set.

Levinsohn to produce Captain America, and Larry Wilson and Leslie Bohem were set to write a script.

The show was set in May 1976 in the August 23, 1998, premiere.


superimpose; coffin; clap; introduce; put; repose; set down; load; space; tee up; butt; lay over; fix; place upright; insert; bucket; imbricate; pose; rest; instal; sit down; settle; ship; put down; recess; emplace; enclose; underlay; situate; place; juxtapose; pigeonhole; nestle; throw; rack up; lean; prepose; settle down; mislay; stand up; jar; siphon; move; trench; ground; ladle; sow; appose; displace; poise; place down; glycerolize; pillow; seed; pile; tee; parallelize; deposit; park; bottle; stand; install; thrust; seat; ensconce; sit; middle; step; stratify; docket; cram; arrange; position; shelve; barrel; recline; put back; set up; cock; glycerolise; posit; upend; plant; stick in; dispose; marshal; misplace; sign; intersperse; superpose; replace; reposition; perch; inclose; lose; postpose; lay; put in; snuggle; bed;


switch off; switch on; orient; disarrange; deglycerolize;

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