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setae Meaning in Bengali

একটি শৈবাল ক্যাপসুল এর বৃন্ত

setae's Usage Examples:

In biology, setae /ˈsiːtiː/ (singular seta /ˈsiːtə/; from the Latin word for "bristle") are any of a number of different bristle- or hair-like structures.

lamellae/setae/spatulae structures and the surface.

These van der Waals interactions involve no fluids; in theory, a boot made of synthetic setae would adhere.

characteristics for adults are round oval shaped bodies covered in scales or setae.

setae; however, as the complete genome of K.

setae has not yet been sequenced, these proteins may be present in K.


Dense setae are present in the wings (modified into scales in Lepidoptera).

innervated sensory hairs (setae).

The statolith's inertia causes it to push against the setae when the animal accelerates.

Deflection of setae by the statolith.

Their bodies are often highly setose, and the pattern of setae is often taxonomically important.

The wings are fringed with long setae.

items into reach for collection by setae.

Other setae may be used to brush the filtering setae clean, and yet other setae may transport food items to the.

posterior end; see also Abdomen § Other animals Accessory claw: Modified setae at the tip of the tarsus in web-building spiders; used with tarsal claws.

Synthetic setae emulate the setae found on the toes of a gecko and scientific research in this area is driven towards the development of dry adhesives.

combination of characteristics including the position of the stigmata, lack of setae, strongly corrugated integument, and form of the fenestrated plates.

near the apex, near which are spherical and glandular protuberances called setae.

setae along the upper surface.

Another patch of setae is present on the propodeum, sparse setae are found on the gaster and a group of tapered setae are.

Later instar larvae are physogastric (swollen posteriorly), with simple setae, short unsegmented legs, and reduced mouthparts.

species live in deserts, to which they are adapted by color and specialized setae which allow them to attach sand and fine soil to themselves.

Color ranges from tan to dark brown, and the back is covered with short setae.

mechanical sensors, mostly based on modifications of the many bristles known as setae that project through their cuticles.

fenestration of setae.

The colonies tend to lie in girdle view, and the cells are separated by the curvature of the basal part of the setae, leaving a small.

setae's Meaning':

stalk of a moss capsule

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