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sextants Meaning in Bengali



sextants শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ড্যানফ্রি, গাণিতিক যন্ত্র, গ্লোব এবং জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞানের ডিজাইনার এবং নির্মাতা সেকসট্যান্ট Morrison, Robert G. (২০১৩) ।

sextants's Usage Examples:

Modern sextants often have 5 cm or larger mirrors, while 19th-century sextants rarely had a mirror larger than 2.

sextants are devices depicting a sixth of a circle, used primarily for measuring the position of stars.

There are two types of astronomical sextants,.

Southeast Portland is one of the sextants of Portland, Oregon.

Examples are calipers and micrometers to measure to fine tolerances, on sextants for navigation, on theodolites in surveying, and generally on scientific.

North Portland is one of the six sextants of Portland, Oregon.

central angles are sometimes given special names, such as quadrants (90°), sextants (60°), and octants (45°), which come from the sector being one 4th, 6th.

developed from angle measurements with quadrants and the unaided eye, through sextants combined with lenses for light magnification, up to current methods which.

associations overlap the Willamette River, but a few overlap the addressing sextants.

Sounding sextants These are sextants that were constructed for use horizontally rather than vertically.

instruments as a filter, as in the use of smoked glass in cross-staves and sextants, allowing operators to make sun sightings without damaging their eyesight.

Northwest Portland is one of the sextants of Portland, Oregon.

Southwest Portland is one of the sextants of Portland, Oregon.

Rust made a variety of navigational instruments, including octants and sextants.

Northeast Portland is one of the sextants of Portland, Oregon.

1)    The patient's dentition is divided into six sextants – three sextants for the mandible and maxillary respectively.

a simple device to measure angles, later replaced by the more precise sextants; in surveying (and scientific fields that use surveying techniques, such.

It differs from other sextants primarily in being a fixed angle sextant, capable of measuring a few specific.

Ships had long used sextants for navigation, but sextants had problems in aircraft navigation.

purposes of a BPE, all the teeth in a person's mouth are divided into sextants (i.


measuring instrument; astrolabe; measuring device; limb; measuring system;


immoderation; intense; high; mild; low;

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