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short temper Meaning in Bengali

 বদমেজাজ, কোপনতা,



short temper শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তাই রামের দুরন্তপনা ও বদমেজাজ ভৃত্য ভোলা, নৃত্যকালী এমনকি বড় ভাই শ্যামলালের উপর খাটালেও বউদিকে সে মান্য ।

ফি فی প্রতি " ফি-রোজ, ফি-হপ্তা, ফি-বছর, ফি-সন, ফি-মাস ৬. বদ্ بد মন্দ " বদমেজাজ, বদরাগী, বদমাশ, বদহজম, বদনাম, বজ্জাত, বদহাল, বদবখ্ত ৭. বে بی না " বেআদব ।

বিজ্ঞানের জগতে ওয়েনের অনস্বীকার্য অবদান সত্ত্বেও তার তীব্র উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা, বদমেজাজ ও সাফল্য লাভের জন্য অত্যধিক দৃঢ় সংকল্পের কারণে সতীর্থ বিজ্ঞানীদের সাথে ।

এর সাহায্যে আলতো করে স্পর্শ করে তার প্রতিক্রিয়া পর্যবেক্ষন করবেন, যদি বদমেজাজ অথবা রাগের কোনো বহিপ্রকাশ না দেখা যায়, তবে উনি টং অথবা ক্যাঁচার সরিয়ে ।

প্রবীরকে তার সহিংস পদ্ধতি, বদমেজাজ ও গালিগালাজের জন্য বরখাস্ত করা হয়েছিল ।

short temper's Usage Examples:

voice, which he breaks into randomly while speaking, and his extremely short temper with his guests, usually political figures.

temper, which is ironic considering that she called out Donald for his short temper beforehand.

Known for his short temper, wherever he went, he was received with great reverence from humans and.

She has a short temper and will often act without thinking (i.

Bari"), and Fantantonio ("fantastic Antonio"), he was known for his short temper as much as his skill and ability on the pitch.

Masaki, a marine biologist, and Riko Takami, an aspiring writer with a short temper.

another Howard character, Red Sonya of Rogatino, Agnes has red hair and a short temper.

history tended to view him with disdain, concentrating on his mistresses, short temper, and boorishness.

His image was harmed by his notoriously short temper and disdain for the press.

in turn appoints Frank Geary, a former animal control officer with a short temper, as his second-in-command.

He was renowned for his short temper – at a tournament in 1948 he became involved in an argument with future.

as a once dominant baseball pitcher, whose poor work ethic, ego, and short temper jeopardized his professional career.

As Johnson grew older, his parents worried about his short temper and insolence towards whites, and in 1919 he was sent to live with his.

Durvasa, who was well known for his short temper, felt that Ambarisha had violated the respect due to a guest by breaking.

He was known for riding a slow, waiting race, and also for having a short temper which regularly saw him at odds with his trainers and owners.

nicknames "Rowdy" and "Hot Rod" by displaying his trademark "Scottish" short temper, spontaneity, and quick wit.

He had a reputation for having a short temper and people described him as being "crazier than a bedbug," which gave.


short; short-run;


long; tall; high;

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