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shrink back Meaning in Bengali

 পাছু হত্তয়া,


পাছু হত্তয়া,

shrink back's Usage Examples:

sets the film's characteristics until it is reheated: this causes it to shrink back toward its initial dimensions.

it is allowed to rewarm, when the memory effect causes the sleeve to shrink back to its original smaller size, creating a tight joint.

modern observations suggest that the Universe is open and will never shrink back to a Big Crunch.

It seems to work, for they did not shrink back when the Lamanites attack Shem.

The hair then begins to shrink back to its normal size, permanently taking on the shape the hair is currently.

Prince of Peace," and he quotes the Bible: “We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved" (Hebrews 10:39).

three feet long and steamed in a large kettle, which makes the bark shrink back from the inner wood, allowing it to be pulled off like a banana peel.

When dried, they shrink back to their original volume.

Such hoses "grow" when pressurized, and shrink back down when the pressure is released, allowing for easier storage.

He was convinced that France would shrink back again, not fulfilling her treaty obligations to Czechoslovakia.

one day when his father offers him water to wash his hands, he will "shrink back and refuse to be served.

In 2017 the league would shrink back to 12 as Chicago's Luther North High School would close its doors after.

architecture and handicraft, acceptera ardently calls upon its readers not to shrink back from modernity, but rather to “accept the reality that exists—only in.

most employing hygroscopic disks that swell in the presence of rain and shrink back down again as they dry out — an electrical switch is in turn depressed.

through the woods, the knights begin shouting "Ni!", forcing the party to shrink back in fear.

new red phase is so large it is more favourable for it to grow than to shrink back to nothing.

Dioscurus sends her to his torturers, who do not shrink back from employing a variety of techniques to inflict pain and suffering.

mean one is close to being given a prediction and that if one does not "shrink back, cower or despair" from the text, but "firmly believes it", one is irreversible.

A cloud of red dust reaches them, causing the mother to shrink back in terror.

December 17, 1971 (1971-12-17) Ryan has to tread carefully but can't shrink back in the prosecution of a public official accused of corruption and extortion.


shrivel up; decrease; die down; diminish; dry up; die back; mummify; blast; wither; atrophy; lessen; fall; shrivel;


increase; inflation; waxing; widening; increment;

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