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signaller Meaning in Bengali

 সঙ্কেতকারক ব্যক্তি, সংকেতপ্রেরক,


সঙ্কেতকারক ব্যক্তি,

signaller's Usage Examples:

A signaller, signalman, colloquially referred to as a radioman in the armed forces is a specialist soldier, seaman or airman responsible for military.

A signalman or signaller is an employee of a railway transport network who operates the points.

up to the safety system (where fitted) to apply the brakes, or for the signaller to alert the driver.

The signaller was unaware that the automatic warning system, which warns drivers of.

It suggests that costly signals must be reliable signals, costing the signaller something that could not be afforded by an individual with less of a particular.

driver of a train waiting at a signal on a running line must remind the signaller of its presence.

electrically operated apparatus at a station under a system known as no signaller token remote working.

was to provide a secure speech link between the train driver and the signaller which could not be overheard by other train drivers.

commander and a sergeant as platoon sergeant, accompanied by a platoon signaller and sometimes a platoon medic (full strength of forty men).

evolve because they modify the behaviour of the receiver to benefit the signaller.

reports their position to the signaller by radio and requests the "token" for the next section of line ahead.

If the signaller is in a position to do so,.

The signaller at the south end of the tunnel belatedly waved a red flag in an attempt.

having not used the crossing telephone to obtain permission from the signaller to cross the railway.

Wooden level crossing gates used to be opened and closed manually by a signaller in the local signal box, which is dated 1883.

party consisting of two Australian soldiers, Captain John Grimson and signaller Ernest Gregg, and three Portuguese Timorese, was dropped on Timor.

Sergeant major Persson Ragnar Falck as Sergeant Bertil "Jocke" Johansson, signaller Carl Reinholdz as Corporal "Storken" Karlsson Irma Christenson as Mona.

were on the scene within four minutes of being notified, despite the signaller at Stafford having to relay the emergency information via another office.


ringer; signaler; bell ringer; signalman; communicator; toller; whistler;



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