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siltstone Meaning in Bengali

 পাললিক শিলা,

siltstone's Usage Examples:

composed of Paleozoic shale and siltstone overlying gneissic bedrock.

When the crater formed, the shale and siltstone were peeled back to expose the basement;.

massive, calcareous sandstone and siltstone beds that exhibit low-angle cross-bedding.

Beds of dark red crumbly siltstone fill shallow paleochannels that.

Lithologies vary from sandstone and siltstone to conglomerate.

The varying types of mudrocks include siltstone, claystone, mudstone, slate, and shale.

Lithologies range from conglomerate sandstone, arkosic sandstone, siltstone and mudstone.

these hills are composed of sandstone, limestone, and siltstone from West to east.

The siltstone hills are the most rugged followed by the sandstone while.

Mudstone and siltstone-rich.

Boplaas Formation: Fine to medium-grained feldspathic wackes and arenites with minor shales and siltstone.

Formation is a sedimentary formation made up of interbedded sand and siltstone cropping out around Hornopirén and Ayacara Peninsula in western Los Lagos.

mudstone, sandstone, siltstone, and limestone and is light gray, greenish gray, or red.

Most of the fossils occur in the green siltstone beds and lower sandstones.

The formations are a mix of mudstones, siltstones, sandstones and halites.

turbiditic greywackes, volcaniclastic sandstones, chert, turbiditic siltstone, conglomerate, breccias, mudstones, and iron-rich shales.

The commones rock types are siltstone and sandstone.

Formation Thickness up to 300 m (980 ft) Lithology Primary Conglomerate, and siltstone, sandstone, claystone Other Tuff, coal Location Coordinates 37°48′S 72°42′W.

sedimentary facies of the Santo Domingo Formation are composed of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone and smaller amounts of conglomerate.

Metamorphic Complex Thickness 1,400 m (4,600 ft) Lithology Primary Sandstone, siltstone, claystone, andesitic tuff Other Coal, breccia, conglomerate Location.

The Eocene Millongue Formation is composed of shale and siltstone of both marine and continental origin.

formation Overlies Ñirehuao Formation Lithology Primary Tuff, tuffite, siltstone, unconsolidated sand, conglomerate Location Coordinates 44°36′S 71°12′W.

Lithologically, the formation is dominated by red and grey shales with thin siltstone, limestone and sandstone interlayers.



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