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sinuously Meaning in Bengali

sinuously's Usage Examples:

The aperture is sinuously-oblong.

Gulyana river locally called as Kass (کس) flows sinuously around the area from west to east.

It shows the River Thames curving sinuously from left to right past the viewpoint.

Pitchfork called the song "an exquisite, mid-tempo dance track with a sinuously insistent bass line that fuels the electric slide togetherness of the.

Headed west, the fan crosses the continental shelf, trending sinuously down to the base of the continental slope.

Eye River, where it continues on a generally westward course, now very sinuously through the fields of a sugar estate, eventually joining the Black River.

Palpable in its entire length, the crest is convex superiorly but is sinuously curved, being concave inward in front, concave outward behind.

The inferior surface, directed lateralward, is concave, sinuously curved, and smooth for articulation with the hamate.

7 and 10 inches in length; the majority of which is the tail that is sinuously twisted so it can displace water while causing as much visual pleasure.

pioneered "Sufi rock" by marrying his teenage love of Led Zeppelin's sinuously behemoth riffs to the ecstatic vocal acrobatics of the millennia-old qawwali.

a crown of numerous long, pinkish thread-like tentacles which writhe sinuously even when broken off.

Hollar's panorama has a single viewpoint, and shows the River Thames curving sinuously from left to right past the viewpoint.

The margin (outline) of the leaflets is either entire or sinuously incised.

The distal outline is very strongly sinuously curved, forming a wide, shallow upper portion and a much narrower basal.

The crest of the ilium is convex in its general outline but is sinuously curved, being concave inward in front, concave outward behind.

James Hamilton from the magazine's RM Dance Update called it a "sinuously sultry Heather Small moaned Mike Pickering creation".

front edge of the disc is nearly straight near the snout, but curves sinuously as it approaches the broad, triangular pectoral fins.

Male behaviour includes "play-fighting", leaping into the air, and sinuously lashing the tail.

that there "is not a superfluous quaver in Kullervo" and admired the "sinuously coiled melodies [.

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