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slightingly Meaning in Bengali

slightingly's Usage Examples:

Sir William Coventry, his uncle, speaks slightingly of him, ridicules his vanity and wishes him out of the House of Commons.

On 2 December 1803, Goethe mentioned the death slightingly in a letter to Schiller: "Poor Vermehren has died.

It does not seem ever to have grown, and it was slightingly called (a pun on its name) Eleinou Polis, "the wretched town".

Dioscorides calls him a disciple of Asclepiades of Bithynia and speaks slightingly of him and others of the same school for a lack of care in investigating.

as an object of worship by any man or set of men shall be reviled or slightingly or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to, either in preaching, prayer.

Thomas Dunham Whitaker later wrote slightingly of Leigh's "want of literature".

1681, he was imprisoned for opposing the government and for speaking slightingly of James, duke of York, afterwards James VII and II, in parliament, and.

Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford spoke slightingly of him and his mistress, Anna Maria Faulkner including alleging that.

Brown was beginning to be widely known, Horace Walpole wrote somewhat slightingly of Brown's work at Warwick Castle: The castle is enchanting; the view.

resolution is followed by the fourth resolution which is, “not to speak slightingly or use nicknames which tend to humiliate, off end or discourage him.

She speaks slightingly of her own plain looks.

" "Do not speak slightingly of the three-volume novel, Cecily.

sometimes accompanied Gray on walks, in the course of which he too spoke slightingly of his wife, possibly seeking to turn Gray against her.

He is taken before the governor, whose name is slightingly alluded to ("Monroe he set up for go[ver]nor").

Victoria (from the 1880s) as a ‘cabbage garden’ referring, somewhat slightingly, to the small size of the state.

Cromwell wrote to Hacker, 25 December 1650, rebuking him for slightingly describing one of his subalterns as a better preacher than fighter, and.

Nellie Stewart, in her memoirs, wrote "When I hear people talk slightingly of this big man I cannot bear it, for he was the most generous of men.

of its (Israel) righteous women A man must be careful never to speak slightingly to his wife because women are prone to tears and sensitive to wrong Women.

important through participation in great enterprises, and teach him to think slightingly about the sacred vocation of marriage.

Rabbi Simeon taught that because Rachel treated the righteous Jacob so slightingly (as to trade away sleeping with him for some mandrakes, as reported in.



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