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sluggishly Meaning in Bengali

sluggishly's Usage Examples:

near the crater rim, shows numerous signs of having flowed at least sluggishly.

"Occasioned lakes, marshes, and sluggishly flowing streams meander across the plateau.

common with true toads (family Bufonidae), horned lizards tend to move sluggishly, often remain motionless, and rely on their remarkable camouflage to avoid.

after the scheme would have been launched) and were increasing only "sluggishly" at 1.

examples of nude paintings where the subject woman is shown lying down sluggishly for the gratification of the looker-on who she describes as "voyeuristic.

Despite government programmes, India's literacy rate increased only "sluggishly".

These frogs have short hind limbs and tend to crawl sluggishly rather than jump.

There the hills begin to recede and the stream flows sluggishly over a wide sandy bed.

ganglion cells give information about ambient light levels, and react sluggishly compared to the rods and cones.

where as a low gradient indicates a more nearly level stream bed and sluggishly moving water, that may be able to carry only small amounts of very fine.

generations on the Marsh Farm, in the meadows where the Erewash twisted sluggishly through alder trees, separating Derbyshire from Nottinghamshire.

on-line video with remarkable speed, but political mobilization moves more sluggishly, needing to gain momentum within neighborhoods and small communities.

, Tsibliyev complained that Soyuz-TM 17 was handling sluggishly.

with little slope to speed up river flow, it meanders south-eastwards sluggishly and within 50 km has the character of a mature river.

Throughout the night, the fire sluggishly burned between 10 and 15 acres in thick and unusually dry vegetation which.

there monsters of the deep, and beasts swim amid the slow and sluggishly crawling ships.

high that success would be swift, but they actually started the season sluggishly, losing two of their first four games, and not picking up a victory until.

living", and as an ignoble scene in which "the characters buzz about sluggishly like winter flies".

AllGame praised the graphics but stated that "Zarlor Mercenary moves sluggishly".

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