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snobbishness Meaning in Bengali




snobbishness's Usage Examples:

There is also the theme of snobbishness from the island's establishment.

The Little has also avoided the negative reputation for snobbishness that is sometimes associated with art house cinema, cultivating the image.

eliminate the appalling snobbishness".

As Dr Lewis justly comments, "a truer reading of the novel would be that the appalling snobbishness is accurately depicted.

society widow and notorious gossip columnist, upsets everyone with her snobbishness, sharp tongue and rudeness.

from "appalling snobbishness".

Dr Lewis goes on to comment that "a truer reading of the novel would be that the appalling snobbishness is accurately depicted.

with the targets including the "Welfare State" and "upper-middle-class snobbishness", with the "blast area" consisting of sex.

job - she considered herself to be Weatherfield's First Lady - but her snobbishness and pretensions often infuriated and exasperated Alf.

" Cecilia's pride and snobbishness make her despise her husband, a man she regards as an unrefined peasant;.

cricket establishment, which he often criticised for its perceived "snobbishness" and hypocrisy.

mind for doing this, but Liz castigates them for their hypocrisy and snobbishness.

He finds it difficult to adapt to upper class customs and faces snobbishness from Lord Denvee and difficulties with his butler Jarms.

impossibility of living in the past by his ridiculous bluster and insufferable snobbishness.

For all his flights of purple prose and occasional snobbishness, his London stories are suffused with dark emotions of love, jealousy.

Crowninshield's opposition to the award led to accusations of "snobbishness", with the Baltimore American alleging that Helms' nomination had been.

Fred has a certain amount of snobbishness and appreciates the finer qualities of life, as shown clearly in the.

getting the critical attention it deserved because of an "old elite snobbishness toward lowbrow genres.

young widow, he succeeds in his plan to teach her a lesson about her snobbishness, completely conquering and humbling the young wife, who finds that, after.

As written by Manners, Peg o' My Heart contrasts the snobbishness of the British upper-middle class (Peg’s aunt Chichester) with the good-willed.

her dearly, and even though he frequently loses his temper with her snobbishness, frivolity, spendthrift nature, and choice of boyfriends, he can never.


snobbery; arrogance; lordliness; clannishness; haughtiness; cliquishness; high-handedness; exclusiveness; hauteur; snobbism;

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