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sodger Meaning in Bengali


চতুর লোক, চতুর দুর্বৃত্ত,

sodger's Usage Examples:

If ever I 'lists for a sodger again, The Divil shall be me sergeant.

Poor old sodger, poor old sodger.

O! our sodger lads looked braw, looked braw, Wi' their tartan kilts an' a', an' a', Wi'.

And mony a widow mourning; I left the lines and tented field, Where lang I'd been a lodger, My humble knapsack a' my wealth, A poor and honest sodger.

little country inn, ' drying my wet clothes, in pops a poor fellow of a sodger ' tells me is going to Ayr --- By Heaven's! say I to myself with a tide.

fast os aw can, So fare thee weel Grinfilt, an fare thee weel Nan; For a sodger awll be, an brave Owdham awll see, An awll hae a battle wi th French.

hauver-meal bannock? Silly blind body, O dinna ye see? I gat it frae a brisk sodger laddie, Atween Saint Johnstone and Bonnie Dundee.

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