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soliciting Meaning in Bengali

 উপাসক, উপযাচক,


অনুরোধ করা, অনুনয়-বিনয় করা, দরবার করা, মিনতি করা, ধরপাকড় করা, আমন্ত্রণ করা, অনুনয় করা, আবেদন করা, উপাসনা করা,

soliciting শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গুজরাত এবং সিন্ধু সমভূমির কিছু অংশেও তাঁর উপাসনা করা হয় ।

তাওহীদুল ঊলূহিয়্যাহ : শুধুমাত্র আল্লাহর উপাসনা করা, তাগুতকে বর্জন করা ।

আদর্শ মা, স্ত্রী, প্রকৃতি ও যাদুর পৃষ্ঠপোষক হিসেবে আইসিসের উপাসনা করা হত ।

ঐশ্বরিক সমাজে বিশ্বাস করা হয় এবং প্রতিমা প্রতিকৃতি আকারে পরোক্ষভাবে এর উপাসনা করা হয় (যেমন প্রাচীন রোমান, গ্রীক, মিশরের ঈশ্বরসমৃহ) ।

শির্‌ক হল আল্লাহ ব্যতীত অন্য কাউকে উপাস্য হিসেবে সাব্যস্ত করা বা তার উপাসনা করা

. উত্তর আমেরিকায় পন্টিআক, মিচিগানের পরাশক্তি মন্দিরে ভুবনেশ্বরীর উপাসনা করা হয় ।

soliciting's Usage Examples:

In England and Wales, the term soliciting is usually "for a person (whether male or female) persistently to loiter.

which controlled certain activities associated with prostitution, such as soliciting, procuring, living on the proceeds of prostitution (pimping), exploitation.

People involved in political fundraising, soliciting donations, or otherwise involved in the financial side of a political.

prohibit States from barring judges and judicial candidates from personally soliciting funds for their election campaigns since that specific restriction on.

accepting donations and not using the money for its intended purposes, or soliciting funds under the pretense of need.

Prostitution in Sri Lanka is illegal, and related activities such as soliciting, procuring, and brothels are outlawed.

The casting couch is a euphemism for the practice of soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment in the entertainment industry.

Prostitution in Tajikistan is legal, but related activities such as soliciting, procuring and brothel keeping are prohibited.

the Sacrament of Penance, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of soliciting sexual activity.

On 17 May 2021, the ESA began soliciting design concept studies from various European industrial and scientific.

and, according to the San Diego Sheriff's Department, was charged with soliciting "an undercover detective to kill his wife.

supplied the music, and the combined effort was entered into a contest soliciting a patriotic state song for Tennessee.

Related activities such as soliciting and brothels are illegal.

On January 8, 2003, Hale was arrested, charged with soliciting an undercover Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informant named Tony.

the Guam Crimes and Correctional Code outlaws prostitution as well as soliciting, compelling, promoting or abetting prostitution.

diversion program for people - almost exclusively men - arrested for soliciting the services of a prostitute, or another related offense.

as operating a brothel, loitering for the purposes of prostitution and soliciting sex are also illegal.

Raids can be informal through campaigning/soliciting an incumbent union's member or more direct by calling for a decertification.

services: The advertisement of customer routes to other ISPs, thereby soliciting inbound traffic toward the customer from them The advertisement of other.


buttonhole; canvas; tap; bespeak; canvass; beg; call for; quest; lobby; request;


enter; follow; fall; advance; go;

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