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solitary Meaning in Bengali

 একাকী, একমাত্র, সঙ্গীহীন




নি:সঙ্গ, স্বতন্ত্র, অদ্বিতীয়, অসহায়, সঙ্গিহীন, অযুক্তচর, অসামাজিক, নির্জনবাসী, একান্তবাসী, একাকী বাসরত, নিরালা, একমাত্র, নিরিবিলি, একাকী, নির্জন,

solitary শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

একত্ববাদ৷ ইসলামি পরিভাষায় তাওহিদ হল সৃষ্টি ও পরিচালনায় আল্লাহকে এক ও অদ্বিতীয় হিসেবে বিশ্বাস করা, সকল ইবাদাত-উপাসনা কেবলমাত্র আল্লাহর জন্য করা, অন্য ।

এখানকার শিল্পকলায় গ্রিক, পারসিক, ও বৌদ্ধধর্মের নানা শিল্পকর্মের এক অদ্বিতীয় সম্মিলন ঘটেছে ।

ল্যাংগুরভীর মন্দিরটি একমাত্র ও অদ্বিতীয় হিন্দু মন্দির, যা দুর্গে অবস্থিত ভারতের ল্যাংগুরভীর ভক্তদের উপাসনালয় ।

solitary's Usage Examples:

including mason bees, carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, and sweat bees – are solitary.

However, the majority of wasp species are solitary, with each adult female living and breeding independently.

A flower that is not part of an inflorescence is called a solitary flower and its stalk is also referred to as a peduncle.

the Pratyekabuddhayāna as those who dwell alone like a rhinoceros or as solitary conquerors (Skt.

stalk supporting an inflorescence or a solitary flower, or, after fecundation, an infructescence or a solitary fruit.

the first of their kind to use solitary corals as a shell form.

Heteropsammia and Heterocyathus are the two solitary corals that this hermit species.

There are 2,300 species of ascidians and three main types: solitary ascidians, social ascidians that form clumped communities by attaching.

Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS, solitary rectal ulcer, SRU) occurs with internal rectal intussusception.

In the human brainstem, the solitary nucleus (SN) (nucleus of the solitary tract, nucleus solitarius, nucleus tractus solitarii) is a series of purely.

The solitary sandpiper (Tringa solitaria) is a small shorebird.

The first is solitary foraging, when animals forage by themselves.

In mathematics and physics, a soliton or solitary wave is a self-reinforcing wave packet that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity.

In contrast, solitary organisms are ones in which all individuals live independently and have.

A solitary witch is an individual who chooses to practice their spiritual faith in the privacy of their home or other designated space, without the need.

In typical rites, the coven or solitary assembles inside a ritually cast and purified magic circle.


unsocial; lone; lonely;


shared; multiform; distributed; social;

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