<< someway somewhat >>

someways Meaning in Bengali

someways's Usage Examples:

funny relationship with that record and I guess I have disowned it in someways.

constructions as historical monuments and preventing their demolition, in someways making the construction illegal.

consumers, called the CMU Weekly and later the Editor's Letter, which in someways replaced The Beats Bar.

The lack of weekday activity is in someways compensated by retail and leisure facilities which are used primarily on.

In someways the fight was seen as being between the SNP's Fundamentalists and gradualists.

Navid's family is very close knit and is in someways conservative.

he went down belching a lot of black smoke and after he had gone down someways one of his planes came off, but I didn't see him crash so I shan't claim.

Water logic, in someways, resembles fuzzy logic.

After someways the TaunTaun collapses along with Skywalker.

the world of genetic research and that a lot of people are angry and in someways is able to convince the team that she's on their side.


someway; in some manner; in some way; somehow;

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