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sonship Meaning in Bengali



সেবন, আরাধন, সেবা, ধর্ম, ক্রিয়া, ধর্মানুষ্ঠান, ধর্মোপাসনা, শ্রদ্ধা, পূজন, সাধনা, অর্ঘ, নিষেবণ, ভজন, উপসেবন, বন্দনা, ভক্তি, ভজনা, আরাধনা, অর্চনা, উপাসনা, পূজা,


সেবা করা, ভজনা করা, ভক্তি করা, বন্দনা করা, অর্চনা করা, পূজা করা, উপাসনা করা,

sonship's Usage Examples:

Within this seed-mass were three parts, or sonships, and were consubstantial with the not-being God.

identical relationship of sonship.

He was apparently conscious of a qualitative distinction between his sonship and their sonship which was derived from.

This doctrine is also referred to as divine sonship.

theme can be summarized in the sentences You have received a spirit of sonship and It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

Pentecostals argue that Scripture never indicates that Jesus' sonship is an eternal sonship.

but you have received a spirit of sonship in which we cry, Abba, Father! Here the translators used the word sonship instead of adoption.

scholars who were aware of Jewish and Christian denials of belief in the sonship of Ezra, explained that it was only one Jew or a small group of Jews who.

is a traditional inheritance of the throne based on Patrilineality and sonship heredity.

an author and teacher on sonship.

Grubb and his wife, Lura, of Faith Temple in Memphis, Tennessee, were also sonship proponents.

However, they differed from the Adoptionists in rejecting all natural sonship, whereas the Adoptionists, distinguishing in Christ the God and the man.

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