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sounded Meaning in Bengali

 মাপা, ধুত, রণিত, ধ্বনিত, স্বনিত, নাদিত, আধ্বাত, নর্দিত,


গুজব, মাছের পটকা, খবর, সাড়া, বোল, ঘোষ, আধ্বান, স্তনন, আত্তয়াজ, রোল, রব, নিনাদ, নাদ, স্বন, ধ্বনি, নিস্বন, শব্দ,


শোনা যাত্তয়া, অন্তরে ঢোকা, অভ্যন্তরে ঢোকা, গভীরতা মাপা, পরিচালিত করা, সঙ্কেত দেত্তয়া, শোনান, কানে বাজা, প্রসিদ্ধিলাভ করা, শব্দ করা, শ্রবণগোচর হত্তয়া, বাজা, নিনাদিত হত্তয়া, ধ্বনিত করা, ধ্বনিত হত্তয়া, শব্দ করান, বাজান, নিনাদিত করা,


ঘোর, অনাময, পূর্ণগর্ভ, নির্ভরযোগ্য, বিচক্ষণ, যুক্তিসিদ্ধ, যুক্তিসঙ্গত, যুক্তিপূর্ণ, যুক্তিসম্মত, যুক্তিযুক্ত, উপকারী, সুপ্রতিষ্ঠিত, নিরেট, গভীর, অক্ষত, অটুট, গাঢ়, প্রগাঢ়, স্বাস্থ্যকর, স্বাস্থ্যবান, স্বাস্থ্যপূর্ণ, সুযুক্তিপূর্ণ, সুস্থ,


প্রগাঢ়ভাবে, সুস্থভাবে, নিরাপদে,

sounded's Usage Examples:

Upon the birth of a royal prince or princess, the Royal Drums are sounded by drummers specially selected from a specified clan as a means of informing.

Dumile initially claimed that he had lost weight and thus looked and sounded different.

The tune is also sounded at many memorial services in Arlington's Memorial Amphitheater and at grave.

ask why the Shofar sounded in Jubilee year.

Rosh Hashanah 29a indicates that in ordinary years both Shofars and trumpets are sounded but in the Jubilee.

style: Shorten ⟨ough⟩ to ⟨u⟩ when it is sounded as /uː/: through → thru.

Shorten ⟨ough⟩ to ⟨o⟩ when it is sounded as /oʊ/: though → tho (but doh for dough).

In the Book of Revelation, seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to cue apocalyptic events seen by John of Patmos (Revelation 1:9) in his vision.

On an earlier traverse in April 1965, Bailey sounded the upper portion of this feature.

Per Lidén chose it because it "sounded cool," and ends in "X" which puts it in line with various other Unix flavors.

A percussion instrument is a musical instrument that is sounded by being struck or scraped by a beater including attached or enclosed beaters or rattles.

chanter; sounded by a double reed, which is fitted into a reed seat at the top of the chanter.

The reed, inside the inflated bladder, is sounded continuously.

larger form may be hung from a rafter in front of a Shinto shrine and sounded by a robe or ribbons that hang within reach of the worshipper.

eight-foot pitch (8') is sounded at standard, ordinary pitch.

For example, the A above middle C in eight-foot pitch would be sounded at 440 Hz (or at some.

News and its correspondent Edwin Pears, and later Januarius MacGahan, sounded the first alarm respecting the Turkish atrocities in Bulgaria.

"Duration is the length of time a pitch, or tone, is sounded.

Spearfinger, being made of stone, sounded like thunder when she walked and crushed rocks into the ground when she.

'sounded with') because in Greek they can only be pronounced with a vowel.

He divides them into two subcategories: hēmíphōna (ἡμίφωνα 'half-sounded').

the narrowest point between Key West and the Cuban shore, and has been sounded to a depth of 6,000 feet (1,800 m).

However, since the name sounded eerily identical to Jonny Quest, Davis brain-stormed various other monikers.


appear; look; seem;


simplify; disentangle; untwist; unsnarl;

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