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sourly Meaning in Bengali

sourly's Usage Examples:

Jubal Early later commented sourly about Rosser's Laurel Brigade, "The laurel is a running vine".

His time at Marseille ended sourly though, after some individual errors saw fans turn against him and him relegated.

therefore to be assailed; And when a woman woos, what woman's son Will sourly leave her till he have prevailed?" Line 5 may be explained by a scene in.

other circumstances he would have written to announce his election, but sourly observes that the custom existed only between bishops who were united in.

for comedy, but radio star Handley is a bit of a disappointment, looking sourly out of place on the screen"; The Radio Times rated it three out of five.

bored and desperate museum administrator and colony governor, who reflects sourly that the glories of the Morok Empire are past.

linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and for such ties the association has been sourly contested.

"He glanced at me sourly and then looked away without speaking," said Smight.

a bottle of Kokanee, remembering "you killed me off!" indignantly, and sourly wished the viewers "good luck" in finding his replacement.

group was described by Peter Coleman in his book on James McAuley, as the 'sourly brilliant literary circle', an oblique reference to Thomas de Quincey.

good lawyer: ("known for his wit but not his law" a colleague commented sourly), his witty, occasionally scandalous speeches guaranteed him attention and.

Such civil war is in my love and hate, That I an accessary needs must be To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

He noted sourly that despite the genuine grief for Compton, the merrymaking at Court continued.

[citation needed] The French ambassador at Philip II's court sourly reported that some Spaniards went so far as to claim that "even Christ was.

Regina sourly notes they've gotten Merlin's "voicemail".

a grouchy, transparently joyless man in his mid-fifties bumble his way sourly through these kind of man-child shenanigans, however, is just sad.

woke me up, came in, sat on my bed, and said, ‘This is for you,’ very sourly.

saying goodbye at the door, as William looks anxiously at his father looking sourly at the floor.

Noel's uncle Charles Bertie, reflecting on the prospects of a duel, sourly dismissed Sherard as "an old passionate coxcomb who is lame, crazy and aged".

Commons, although, as his one-time patroness, the Duchess of Marlborough sourly noted, he did trouble himself to vote once, when ill, to support Harley's.

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