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speak Meaning in Bengali

 কথা বলা, কথোপকথন


ধ্বনিত হত্তয়া, কহা, আলোচনা করা, বর্ণনা করা, উল্লেখ করা, প্রকাশ করা, ভাষায় প্রকাশ করা, ঘোষণা করা, সংবাদ দেত্তয়া, উচ্চারণ করা, শব্দোচ্চারণ করা, আলাপ করা, ভাষণ দেত্তয়া, ভাষণ করা, বক্তৃতা দেত্তয়া, কথাবার্তা বলা, কত্তয়া, কথা বলা, বলা,

speak's Usage Examples:

and the web-comics Megatokyo and Homestuck, which contain characters who speak variations of leet.

the past participles of swim, give, bring, speak, and take were, respectively swimmed, gived, bringed, speaked, and taked, with all irregular forms (such.

speakers in the world's population.

More than half of all Europeans claim to speak at least one language other than their mother tongue; but many read and.

following the increase in Internet usage in predominantly non-English speaking countries.

phrase "speak softly shop", meaning a "smuggler's house", appeared in a British slang dictionary published in 1823.

The similar phrase "speak easy shop".

A French-speaking person or nation may be referred to as Francophone in both English and.

also speak to each other politely.

Japanese children rarely use polite speech until they are teens, at which point they are expected to begin speaking in.

phrase "be like" are often ideologically linked to California and valley speak despite the now widespread use of the terms among youth, which results to.

were able to speak Welsh.

1% (883,600) of the population of Wales aged three or more was able to speak Welsh, with.

French-English, with Dora and Boots (called Babouche) speaking French and other protagonists speaking and answering in English.

2000, over 90% of the population could speak Tagalog, and approximately 80% could speak Filipino and 60% could speak English.

Selective mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder in which a person normally cannot speak in specific situations, specific places, or to specific people if triggered.


rattle on; yack; lip off; drone; rabbit on; siss; palaver; begin; murmur; gulp; phonate; blab; ejaculate; cackle; blabber; snap; mussitate; bark; intercommunicate; sing; prattle; modulate; hiss; swallow; stutter; whiff; gibber; maunder; intone; yap away; utter; bumble; whisper; jaw; spout; sibilate; verbalise; jabber; piffle; vocalise; blubber; open up; communicate; clack; tattle; chatter; whine; blurt out; peep; deliver; blunder; slur; speak up; tone; vocalize; rant; shoot one"s mouth off; generalise; babble; enthuse; blurt; shout; falter; snarl; read; tittle-tattle; talk about; rasp; mouth off; speak in tongues; gabble; bay; present; yack away; talk; stammer; prate; blunder out; sizz; talk of; snivel; rave; mutter; mouth; troll; verbalize; chant; mumble; inflect; twaddle; generalize; blubber out; drone on;


gather; specify; close up; shout; whisper;

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