<< specified specifiers >>

specifier Meaning in Bengali



specifier's Usage Examples:

character encoding by using escape sequences, referred to as language specifier codes, to switch between planes of 48,400 code points.

is the most commonly used specifier for classes.

If no access specifier is stated, the default access.

because they are non-recursive, and phrases can only have one specifier.

The specifier of a phrase is the daughter of the maximal projection and the sister.

a specifier for depressive, bipolar, and psychotic disorders; part of another medical condition; or of another specified diagnosis.

New specifier "with.

An enumerated type is declared with the enum specifier and an optional name (or tag) for the enum, followed by a list of one.

However, its occurrence is limited: PRO must occupy the specifier position of the embedded, non-finite clause, such as in the example below:.

language maps universally onto a particular surface linearization, namely specifier-head-complement branching order.

trademarkability of a generic terms appended with a top-level domain (TLD) specifier (in this case "Booking.

in the specifier of a tense phrase or inflectional phrase or in the specifier of a verb phrase in languages in which subjects.

analysis whereby a sentence can be treated as having a head, complement and specifier, like other kinds of phrases.

stands as an episode of illness unto itself; rather, the symptomology specifier "with mixed features" can be applied to any major affective episode (manic.

The command specifier supports some special syntax options.

It is no longer classified as a unique mood disorder but is now a specifier, called "with seasonal pattern", for recurrent major depressive disorder.

are set for projection of a T category's specifier.

When the parameter is to the right of T(ense)'s specifier, VOS is realized, and when it is to the left.

rise to the development of specifier-less syntax In this emergence, each lexical item that was initially labelled as a specifier were to become their own.

An X Phrase consists of an optional specifier and an X-bar, in any order: XP → (specifier), X′ XP XP / \ or / \ spec X' X' spec 2.

Dissociative fugue previously a separate category is now treated as a specifier for dissociative amnesia.

Specifiers are not mutually exclusive and more than one specifier may be applied on a patient.

In bipolar disorder, specifiers describe.


intellect; intellectual;


unscholarly; nonintellectual; physical;

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