<< spectroscopic spectroscopy >>

spectroscopically Meaning in Bengali

spectroscopically's Usage Examples:

announcement in June 2012, as the more distant claimants were not confirmed spectroscopically at the time.

Its orbit is highly stable, and was originally thought to be spectroscopically similar to 5261 Eureka, suggesting they may both be primordial Martian.

Planet Search Program (OPSP) was started in 2001 with the goal of spectroscopically searching for planetary systems around stars.

This planet was typical as it was discovered spectroscopically using the radial velocity method.

It was spectroscopically confirmed as a T9 dwarf using the Gemini North telescope, also at.

About 20 initial galaxy clusters have been identified spectroscopically.

hypothetical allotrope of carbon that was once proposed as a candidate for a spectroscopically observed tricarbon species.

Such spectroscopically "silent" or "inactive" modes exist in molecules such as ethylene (C2H4).

Heptacene has been studied spectroscopically at cryogenic temperatures in a matrix.

binary star, but the companion could not be detected visually or spectroscopically.

The coupling can be observed spectroscopically and is most easily seen in the Renner-Teller effect in which a linear.

T Aurigae was the first nova to be observed spectroscopically.

Its companion, spectroscopically discovered in 2006, is a pre-main-sequence star star with an average.

BeH has been studied spectroscopically since 1928 and in over 80 theoretical studies (see for a review).

5″ across has been detected spectroscopically in H-alpha emission.

It has sometimes been classified spectroscopically as a subgiant, but detailed study shows that it is too cool and luminous.

It has been observed spectroscopically but has not been isolated as a pure substance.

independently by Jacques-Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine who observed it spectroscopically in 1878.

The sample comprises 124 spectroscopically confirmed clusters at 0.

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