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sphingid Meaning in Bengali

দীর্ঘ সংকীর্ণ শক্তিশালী উড়তে সক্ষম অগ্রপদ সঙ্গে বিভিন্ন মথ কোন এবং ফিড ফুল উপর ঝুলে

sphingid's Usage Examples:

hummingbirds, certain bats, hoverflies, and these sphingids (an example of convergent evolution).

Hippotion rosetta, or Swinhoe's striated hawkmoth, is a sphingid moth of the family Sphingidae.

Acherontia styx, the lesser death's head hawkmoth or bee robber, is a sphingid moth found in Asia, one of the three species of death's-head hawkmoth.

Nephele hespera, the crepuscular hawkmoth, is a sphingid moth described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1775.

death's head hawkmoth or bee robber, is a large (up to 13 cm wingspan) sphingid moth found in India, Sri Lanka and much of the Oriental region.

Hippotion velox, the dark striated hawkmoth, is a species of sphingid moth or the family Sphingidae.

is more greenish, less irrorated with dark scales and showing the usual sphingid pattern of parallel crenulate postdiscal and submarginal bands much more.

This species is quite variable, though not confusable with any other sphingid of the Palearctic in its markings, the ground colour of the forewings being.

The usual sphingid horn is absent, and in its place there is a double wart.

The larvae are greenish brown and lighter behind, with a sphingid-like shape.

especially fragrant at night, during which period they are pollinated by sphingid and noctuid moths.

planet Neptune,--and they will be equally successful!" Subsequently, the sphingid experts Walter Rothschild and Karl Jordan received one male and one female.

appears in May and June and is a lively day-flier (unlike most other sphingids), generally active from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.

"Observations of adult and larval behavior in the winter sphingid, Arctonotus lucidus (Sphingidae)".

on pollen, with pollen on its proboscis Xanthopan morganii, an African sphingid, has a foot-long proboscis adapted for feeding from the orchid Angraecum.

The Latin name sphingealis refers to the sphingid-like appearance of the males.

The flowers open at dusk and are probably pollinated by sphingid moths.

sphingid's Meaning':

any of various moths with long narrow forewings capable of powerful flight and hovering over flowers to feed

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