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spiegeleisen Meaning in Bengali

শূকর ম্যাঙ্গানিজ ধারণকারী লোহা; একটি deoxidizing এজেন্ট হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং ইস্পাত তৈরীর ম্যাঙ্গানিজ বিষয়বস্তু বাড়াতে

spiegeleisen's Usage Examples:

similar material is a pig iron with high content of manganese, is called spiegeleisen, or specular pig iron.

obscure ferromanganese ore with no phosphorus, spiegeleisen.

This created a sudden demand for spiegeleisen.

was sent to Sweden, to study and bring back, techniques for preparing "spiegeleisen", a key ingredient in newly developed Swedish steels.

Pyrolusite is extensively used for the manufacture of spiegeleisen and ferromanganese and of various alloys such as manganese-bronze.

from the molten steel (so called blocking the heat); ferromanganese, spiegeleisen, calcium silicides, and many other materials are used for the same purpose.

In more technical uses, there are also spiegeleisen, an alloy of iron, manganese, and carbon; and stellite, an alloy of cobalt.

(Vinay) khatun (Dedhia) fauxbourdon (Rajeev) Ubaid (Dasari) dhyana (Vinay) spiegeleisen (Dedhia) mollienisia (Rajeev) korrigan (Dasari) nuraghe (Vinay) phycoerythrin.

then reintroduce carbon and manganese by adding an exact amount of spiegeleisen, an alloy of iron and manganese with trace amounts of carbon and silicon.

experiments on the sample, based on those he had previously carried out with spiegeleisen.

to obtain rights to Englishman Robert Mushet's patent for the use of spiegeleisen (manganese-rich pig iron) for improving the properties of steel.

then adding an exact amount of carbon and manganese, in the form of spiegeleisen.

elements like manganese (in the form of a high-manganese pig-iron called spiegeleisen), which helped remove impurities such as phosphorus and oxygen; a process.

spiegeleisen's Meaning':

pig iron containing manganese; used as a deoxidizing agent and to raise the manganese content in making steel

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