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spilite Meaning in Bengali


স্পিরিট্, কোহল, প্রাণবন্ত ব্যক্তি, প্রতিভাবন্ ব্যক্তি, স্বাধীন ব্যক্তি, নেতা, পরিচালক, প্রকৃত অর্থ, কর্মশক্তি, মেজাজ, ধাত, বীর্য, সাহস, তেজ, উত্সাহ, উদ্দীপনা, মূল নীতি, প্রেত, ভাব, মনন, মানস, সার, সারমর্ম, মর্ম, আত্ম, আত্মা,

spilite's Usage Examples:

can also be rock types without any schistosity, especially metabasalt (spilite).

Spilite Arch is a sea-worn arch formed by a pillar of rock 30 m high joined to the coastal cliffs by a spilite sill.

In the west are basalt flows, pillowed spilite, prehnite and trachyandesite, as well as shale with radiolarite fossils.

in the Dogger-Malm time with green sandstone, peridotite, serpentinite, spilite, diabase and melaphyre.

Lithic tuff and spilite are mapped separately.

Riphean-Cambrian segment of the Vardar Zone, including phyllite, spilite and keratophyre, epidote-chlorite, spilite-mica schist and low-grade metamorphic shales.

the Mesozoic, an ophiolite zone with serptenized peridotite, diabase, spilite, pillow lava, tuff, argillite and radiolarite formed in the north and is.

are less common, mainly basalt, andesite and dacite, transformed into spilite, keratophyre and pyroclastic rocks.

politic sediments formed together with volcanic rocks such as keratophyre, spilite, and pyroclastic flows, associated with tholeiitic island arc volcanism.

Shale with lenses of spilite, jasper-like rocks and silicified limestone outcrops in the center of the.

These, therefore, may represent a type of exhalite chert or spilite.

coast Lithology Primary Mudstone Other Siltstone, sandstone, limestone, spilite, hyaloclastite, tuff Location Region England Country  United Kingdom Extent.

became known as the "Steinmann Trinity": the mixture of serpentine, diabase-spilite and chert.

onset of the Campanian, volcanic rocks occur including basaltic lavas, spilite, and diabase, but also pyroclastic rocks like tuff, lapilli tuff, volcanic.

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