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spoonbill Meaning in Bengali

একটি চামচ মত একটি টিপ সঙ্গে একটি দীর্ঘ সমতল বিল থাকার পাখি wading

spoonbill's Usage Examples:

The spoonbills have a global distribution, being found on every continent except.

Play media The Eurasian spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), or common spoonbill, is a wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae.

The roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) is a gregarious wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family, Threskiornithidae.

The black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) is a species of wading bird in the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae, found in eastern Asia.

The African spoonbill (Platalea alba) is a long-legged wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae.

The royal spoonbill (Platalea regia) also known as the black-billed spoonbill, occurs in intertidal flats and shallows of fresh and saltwater wetlands.

The yellow-billed spoonbill (Platalea flavipes) is a gregarious wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family, Threskiornithidae.

the ibises and the spoonbills; however recent genetic studies are casting doubt on the arrangement, and revealing the spoonbills to be nested within.

falcinellus) is a water bird in the order Pelecaniformes and the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae.

Most nest in trees, often with spoonbills or herons.

snake, bluffer, faux viper, plains hognose snake, prairie hognose snake, spoonbill snake, spreadhead snake, Texas hognose snake, Texas rooter, and western.

and is also referred to as Mississippi paddlefish, spoon-billed cat, or spoonbill.

straw-necked ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis) is a bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae.

Like storks and spoonbills, it lacks a true voice-producing mechanism and is silent except for ventriloquistic.

Genus Platalea (spoonbills) Eurasian spoonbill (P.

leucorodia) Black-faced spoonbill (P.

minor) African spoonbill (P.

alba) Royal spoonbill (P.

and brown pelicans, sea gulls, whooping and sandhill cranes, roseate spoonbill, American white ibis, Florida scrub jay (state endemic), and others.

Species known to breed there include two species of spoonbill, three species of egret, four species of cormorant, three species of ibis.

spoonbill's Meaning':

wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon

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