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sporophores Meaning in Bengali

একটি বীজগুটি জন্মদানে শাখা বা অঙ্গ: একটি sporophyte যে স্পোর বিকাশ এর thallus অংশ; ফার্ন এবং জলাভূমি এবং liverworts মধ্যে কার্যত sporophyte সমতূল্য

sporophores's Usage Examples:

parasitic fungi, lichen-associated fungi, and fungi forming subterranean sporophores.

microscopic appearance resembling coral due to spores on the tips of short sporophores branched from aerial hyphae.

He remarked "Formed of little convex sporophores with free but not raised margin, growing caespitose on bark.

hyphae and forms single oval to round spores borne on sporophores or dichotomously branching sporophores.

set of small tapering sporophores that bear the spores.

On the sporophores are the sporangial clusters.

Diaporthe phaseolorum Diaporthe phaseolorum: long, slender, fragile sporophores (a) with two pycnospores (b) attached Scientific classification Kingdom:.

causal agent of brown blotch disease, isolated from cultivated mushroom sporophores in Finland".

The orange-yellow sporophores form mainly during the rainy season at the base of trees heavily attacked.

Conidia are produced singly on unbranched sporophores.

inflated structures filled with yellow cartenoid pigments give rise to the sporophores; these two genera also produce subsporangiul vesicles.

Limoniidae) and their role as phoronts of Acari (Arachnida) inhabiting fungal sporophores".

the distinctive structure of its hyphophores (erect stalked asexual sporophores).

noun Actinocorallia, meaning an actinomycete microorganism that forms sporophores resembling coral.

"Examination of extracts from sporophores of Swedish Hymenomycetes for antibiotic activity against Staphylococcus.

Hollings found more than three different types of viruses in the abnormal sporophores.

"Occurrence of psilocybin in sporophores of Psilocybe semilanceata".

from North America, noted "[t]he remarkable longevity of individual sporophores of many species and the changes in appearance that occur during the long.

sporophores's Meaning':

a spore-bearing branch or organ: the part of the thallus of a sporophyte that develops spores; in ferns and mosses and liverworts is practically equivalent to the sporophyte

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