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springtail Meaning in Bengali

অসংখ্য মিনিট কোন একটি বিশেষ পেটের উপাঙ্গ যে চরিত্রগত প্রায় চিরস্থায়ী খিলান প্যাটার্ন পারবেন অধিকারী আদিম পোকামাকড় ডানাহীন; মাটি জৈব ধ্বংসাবশেষ অথবা তুষার বা জল পৃষ্ঠতলে সমৃদ্ধ পাওয়া

springtail's Usage Examples:

Entomobryidae, sometimes called "slender springtails", is a family of springtails characterised by having an enlarged fourth abdominal segment and a well-developed.

Hypogastruridae is a family of springtails.

Orchesella is a genus of springtails belonging to the family Entomobryidae.

It is present in most species of springtails, and in them it is attached ventrally to the fourth abdominal segment.

The order Poduromorpha is one of the three main groups of springtails (Collembola), tiny hexapods related to insects.

Entomobrya is a genus of slender springtails in the family Entomobryidae.

Sminthuridae is a family of springtails of the order Symphypleona.

Sminthurids are commonly referred to as globular springtails.

placed in the "Arthropleona" The Entomobryoidea are a superfamily of springtails (Collembola), tiny hexapods related to insects.

Homidia is a genus of springtails belonging to the family Entomobryidae.

The family Neanuridae contains pudgy short-legged springtails of the order Poduromorpha.

Isotomidae is a family of elongate-bodied springtails in the order Entomobryomorpha.

Poduridae is a small family of stout-bodied springtails containing only the single genus Podura, and making up the monotypic superfamily Poduroidea.

The Antarctic springtail, Cryptopygus antarcticus, is a species of springtail native to Antarctica  and Australia.

Podura aquatica, the water springtail, is a species of springtail, one of only four described species in the family Poduridae.

springtails), located on the head near the base of the antennae.

The Entomobryomorpha are one of the three main groups (order) of springtails (Collembola), tiny hexapods related to insects.

is one of the three main groups of springtails (Collembola), tiny hexapods related to insects.

When the springtails were still believed to be an order.

the Collembola, the springtails, an order in the subphylum Hexapoda.

The species is known by common names such as clover springtail, lucerne flea, or lucerne.

springtail's Meaning':

any of numerous minute wingless primitive insects possessing a special abdominal appendage that allows the characteristic nearly perpetual springing pattern; found in soil rich in organic debris or on the surface of snow or water

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