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spuriousness Meaning in Bengali

উদাসীন অকৃত্রিমতা রাজ্যের

spuriousness's Usage Examples:

Despite its spuriousness, it was seriously discussed in the Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity.

Oxford translation of The Complete Works of Aristotle this treatise's "spuriousness has never been seriously contested".

The spuriousness of those acts is almost certain.

The spuriousness of Mrs.

(Sider 1977): "Dorothy Tarrant is the foremost advocate for the cause of spuriousness: cf.

famous Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris in which he proved the spuriousness of the epistles.

needed an opportunity to seek legal advice, regardless of the merit (or spuriousness) of the claims, this tactic served to defer a key debate preventing council.

with collations of Cicero, and Joshua Barnes with a warning as to the spuriousness of the Epistles of Euripides.

repeated line is out of place and the stigme (στιγμή) · indicated suspected spuriousness.

rabbi of Berlin, Tzvi Hirsch Levin, whom he tries to convince of the spuriousness of the collection of responsa Besamim Rosh.

Hajji Mirza Aqasi sent a messenger to Bahman Mirza to inform him of the spuriousness of Hasan Ali Shah's documents and a battle between Bahman Mīrzā and Hasan.

writing, and other elements of a document relative to its authenticity or spuriousness, and Forensic document examination does not involve the employment of.

"Cross-lagged panel correlation: A test for spuriousness".

Yet there was in his condescension and disdain no trace of spuriousness.

Thus Porphyry's scheme was based on the supposed spuriousness of Daniel's prophecies.

of engagement with Tibullan or Propertian elegy argue in favor of its spuriousness; however, the poem does seem to be datable to the early empire.

spuriousness's Meaning':

state of lacking genuineness


falseness; falsity;


truth; genuineness; fidelity;

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