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squalene Meaning in Bengali


তিনটি বিযমপাশ্র্বযুক্ত, বিষমভুজ,

squalene's Usage Examples:

Squalene monooxygenase (also called squalene epoxidase) is an enzyme that uses NADPH and molecular oxygen to oxidize squalene to 2,3-oxidosqualene (squalene.

Animals, plants and fungi all produce triterpenes, including squalene, the precursor to all steroids.

3-Oxidosqualene, an Intermediate in the Biological Synthesis of Sterols from Squalene".

It is formed when squalene is oxidized by the enzyme squalene monooxygenase.

2,3-Oxidosqualene is the substrate of.

suggested that squalene might be linked to autoimmune disorders.

although others suggest squalene might protect people against cancer.

statins, which inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, lapaquistat metabolites inhibit squalene synthase, which is further downstream in the synthesis of cholesterol.

There are high levels of squalene in this catshark's liver.

transport chain), as well as being the immediate precursor of squalene (via the enzyme squalene synthase), dehydrodolichol diphosphate (a precursor of dolichol.

reacts with squalene in a reaction catalyzed by squalene monooxygenase during sterol biosynthesis.

Furthermore, squalene binds to squalene-hopene cyclases.

Squalane is a hydrocarbon derived by hydrogenation of squalene.

In contrast to squalene, due to the complete saturation of squalane, it is not subject.

involve selectively blocking sterol biosynthesis via inhibition of the squalene 2,3-epoxidase enzyme.

124, PEN1 (gene), (S)-squalene-2,3-epoxide hydro-lyase (arabidiol forming)) is an enzyme with systematic name (3S)-2,3-epoxy-2.

123, squalenea€”tetrahymanol cyclase) is an enzyme with systematic name squalene hydro-lyase (tetrahymanol forming).

Squalene-hopene cyclase is a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the cyclization of squalene into hopene, a key step in hopanoid.

butenafine works by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol by inhibiting squalene epoxidase, an enzyme responsible for the creation of sterols needed in.

Furthermore, it is the successor of AS03 which is a squalene based adjuvant approved for pandemic vaccine by the EMA.

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