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squarish Meaning in Bengali



squarish's Usage Examples:

At the eastern side exists a small squarish floodway which is supported by a column with capital.

Its remains survive as a slight squarish platform with a maximum height of 0.

867) is a squarish mountain 1.

This large squarish fort is 150 feet (46 m) above sea level and occupies an area of about seven.

When a flattop is viewed from the front, varying degrees of squarish appearance are achieved by the design of the upper sides as they approach.

morphogical characters, Laterata, "referring to the presence of tile-like (squarish or quadrangular, and sometimes raised) scales that form the rings in Amphisbaenia.

Tauere Atoll is squarish in shape.

Located at Bishan Street 13, it is designed in a unique squarish configuration with the building wrapping around the bus parking area.

Its upper surface is cryptically patterned, with numerous squarish dark spots on a brown background.

It is readily identifiable from afar, for its striking squarish shape contrasts sharply with the other summits of the mountain chain.

Originally it was a small squarish bar weighing 1 ounce.

the lords of Trazegnies, owners of the domain, left the spur and built a squarish castle in the middle of a marshy area; the castle was surrounded by a triple.

The best identifying feature is the large, pale, squarish stigma which gives the species its common name.

Turonian Shells are evolute, tuberculate and ribbed, with subquadrate to squarish whorl section wherein tubercles typically dominate over ribs.

ranges overlap in the Alps but can usually be recognised by the prominent squarish, rather than c-shaped, white spot near the costa of the forewing and the.

proof (45% alcohol by volume) and sold in squarish bottles sealed with red wax.

The ends of the leaf-like lobes are often squarish-tipped.

It features 2-l/2-story, squarish, brick tower topped by a mansard roof.

It is mainly black with a white throat and upper breast and squarish white patches on the rear flanks.




unlawful; round;

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