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squawks Meaning in Bengali


কোঁ কোঁ করা,

squawks's Usage Examples:

thought the band on that version "folds the cuttingly arrhythmic honks and squawks into traditional blues arcs that are only apparent after the 'riff' is.

Its song is a succession of loud creaks and squawks, lower in pitch than other Hippolais warblers, and slower in delivery.

Short "squawks.

The species is very vocal; the shrieks and squawks of the crimson shining parrot are of a higher pitch than that of the red.

his music to that of Albert Ayler, although Wright "offers his honks and squawks with a phraseology derived from the slower, earthier funk of R'B and gospel.

be the case in the experiment with innate parrot sounds such as short squawks, neither was this behavior observed in a non-talking blue-fronted amazon.

"emergency band" frequency goes wild receiving Cuban police dispatches and squawks from a Sheffield, England public safety band.

cruiser negligently shot down the aircraft, which was transmitting IFF squawks in Mode III, a signal that identified it as a civilian aircraft, and not.

Florence Gill: Hen and assorted squawks and whistles Purv Pullen: Bird Whistling The Rhythmettes (including Mae.

particularly useful because Crombie in griffin form can only speak in squawks, which Grundy is able to translate.

cavalier in the face of squawks from those it has offended".

emotional ceremony, but one of the live parrots in the wedding party "squawks now" instead of holding its peace.

fairly slow-paced series of variable rich whistled notes, churrs, rattles, squawks, and other noises, often with phrases repeated.


call; screak; screech; shout out; hollo; squall; skreak; shout; holler; skreigh; scream; cry; yell;


indirect; patterned; impure; unobvious; rhetorical;

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