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stalkless Meaning in Bengali

বেস করে সরাসরি সংযুক্ত; একটি হস্তক্ষেপ বৃন্ত হচ্ছে না

stalkless's Usage Examples:

lance-shaped, scaly leaves appear at the base of the stem, and some stalkless, heart-shaped leaves zigzag along the tip, while others gradually shrink.

Rorippa sessiliflora, commonly known as stalkless yellowcress, is a species of flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae (conserved name Cruciferae).

basal rosette of roundish, fleshy, flat-stalked leaves, upper leaves stalkless and stem-clasping.

distinguished from other Trillium species by its single, foul smelling, stalkless, flower nestled in the middle of its three bracts.

are small and almost scale-like, being sessile or subsessile (stalkless of almost stalkless).

– longrunner Rorippa sessiliflora – stalkless yellowcress Rorippa sinuata (Nutt.

raceme with numerous, purple, button-like flower heads, short-stalked or stalkless, blooming from the top down.

stalks when picked, leading them to be referred to as "stemless" or "stalkless" cherries.

clusters (panicles) are terminal and much branched, bearing many almost stalkless flowers.

Acorn barnacle and acorn shell are vernacular names for certain types of stalkless barnacles, generally excluding Pedunculata (stalked or gooseneck barnacles).

It is stem rooting and sports lanceolate stalkless leaves about 12 cm long which are arranged in one or two whorls on the.

Growing to 60 centimetres (24 in), it has a spreading habit, with stalkless toothed leaves and clusters of bright purple or magenta, scented flowers.

Antedon mediterranea is a species of stalkless crinoid in the family Antedonidae, commonly known as the Mediterranean feather star.

The leaves are opposite, stalkless, and lancelate.

The leaves are obovate and stalkless, with a cartilaginous edge, all growing in a basal rosette.

Leaves succulent, simple, entire, spirally arranged, hairless, stalkless, elliptical to oblong, 3–15 x 2–8 mm, green or green-reddish.

Lower leaves form a rosette, the stalkless upper-leaves clasp the stem.

Leaves alternate, simple, entire, stalkless, oblanceolate, 7-20 x 2-5 mm, thick, margins revolute, with a mixture.

Leaves opposite, simple, entire or irregularly dentate, stalkless, ovoid to cordate, 1–2 x 0.

It produces pink flowers which are also stalkless.

stalkless's Meaning':

attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk




pedunculate; stalked;

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