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stammered Meaning in Bengali

 এড়াইয়া যাত্তয়া, তোতলান বলা, তোত্লাইয়া বলা,




তোত্লাইয়া বলা, তোতলান বলা, এড়াইয়া যাত্তয়া,

stammered's Usage Examples:

imitated the peculiarity of the hero they loved the most: Cúscraid's fans stammered, Conall's crooked their necks, and Cúchulainn's squinted one eye in imitation.

he portrayed Ken, a character who stammered, as well as having mentioned in his diaries that his father stammered.

He took the stage name Nutcombe Gould and never stammered on stage.

Bates’s passionate vocals, which at times were whispered, howled, or stammered.

Gene stammered, "I think Melzac has gone to get a gun.

Other famous Englishmen who stammered were King George VI and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who led the.

Peachell evaded and stammered, and was deprived both of his mastership and of the vice-chancellorship.

Demosthenes stammered and was inarticulate as a youth, yet, through dedicated practice, using.

Both brothers stammered and failed to impress the princess with their words.

and grew impatient with Colin Firth's portrayal of King George VI as he stammered over his speech.

The debate drew national attention after Jan Brewer "stumbled and stammered" through her opening statements.

of the church of England, but the experience of a fellow-collegian who stammered is said to have arrested his attention, and he left Cambridge without.

As a child and a young man he stammered to the point where he struggled to pronounce his name, although after.

I refuse to answer that question", the girl stammered as she shyly avoided looking at her male classmates sitting nearby.

Historian George Macdonald described Dixon as "rather eccentric – stammered badly – much loved by his friends".

" Scruggs stammered to say, "I guess I want you to know that I understand it.

Dwan remembered that although Davies stuttered and stammered, she was just fine once the cameras were rolling.

Say something!" "I — I don't know what to say," stammered Tom.

Land des Lächelns (The Land of Smiles) when filmgoers discovered that he stammered.

Dealer reported that Davies was so affected by the demonstration that he stammered only a few words of appreciation and left the hall saying, “I’m going.


bumble; talk; falter; stutter; verbalise; mouth; speak; utter; verbalize;


succeed; keep quiet; stand still; ride; incomplete;

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