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stanch Meaning in Bengali

 জলরোধক, বায়ুরোধী,

একটি তরল প্রবাহ বন্ধ

stanch's Usage Examples:

died, The Cork Examiner wrote of him, "In public life he was respected a stanch and uncompromising Liberal.

cricothyroidotomy, compartment fasciotomies and emergency laparotomy or thoracotomy to stanch bleeding.

Steen, a stanch Presbyterian, was born, according to some sources, in County Antrim, Ireland.

Bedeutung der Mosäischen Gesetzgebung," in which he comes forward as a stanch defender and enthusiastic admirer of the hygienic laws of Moses.

sermons delivered during al-Mustadi's reign, Ibn al-Jawzi often presented a stanch defense of the prophet Muhammad's example, and vigorously criticized all.

surgeons and nurses taking a special interest, working until daylight to stanch the flowing blood, the query going the rounds the next day among cot occupants:.

increasingly finding use in the field of combat, where they can be used to rapidly stanch a wound until proper medical attention can be obtained.

Bandages could not stanch the flow of blood.

described as "quiet," McCarthy eventually rose to national prominence over his stanch anti-communist views, and for being a primary instigator of the red scare.

(running time), during which he or she may receive first-aid treatment to stanch the flow of blood and dress the wound.

Laughlin Steel Company in 1970, and he had to sell subsidiaries to try to stanch the ensuing financial hemorrhage.

John Clinton Porter, as stanch a dry as the day he declined a wine toast to the French Republic at Havre.

Ireland Taylor spoke out as a stanch opponent of Home Rule for Ireland, while Rathbone argued for devolution.

One of his greatest challenges as the academy's superintendent was to stanch the dropout rate for female midshipmen.

Though she was not a member of women's liberation group, she was a "stanch adherent of work equality" and viewed this as a huge victory.

stanch's Meaning':

stop the flow of a liquid


stem; check; halt; staunch;


rear; disagree; differ; derestrict; activity;

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