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starlings Meaning in Bengali


একজাতীয় পাখি,

starlings's Usage Examples:

invertebrate pests; however, starlings can also be pests themselves when they feed on fruit and sprouting crops.

Common starlings may also be a nuisance through.

This range was colonized twice during the evolution of starlings, first by rather ancestral starlings related to the coleto and Aplonis lineages, and millions.

Asian starlings, particularly the genus Sturnus.

Its bare face patches and ability to open-bill feed-in grassland are unique amongst African starlings.

The starlings must determine.

During the winter months, starlings are known for aggregating into huge flocks of hundreds to thousands of.

Lamprotornis is a large genus of glossy-starlings all of which occur in Africa south of the Sahara.

other glossy starlings in Lamprotornis, while others place it in a monotypic genus Coccycolius.

One of the smallest species among starlings, the emerald.

Like most starlings, the purple starling is omnivorous, eating fruit and insects.

closely related to starlings.

These and oxpeckers (and the Philippine creepers if they are not outright but highly apomorphic starlings) form a group of.

habitat it is inconspicuous, using tree tops for cover and–unlike other starlings–usually coming to the ground only to drink or to find nesting materials;.

Like most starlings, the brahminy starling is omnivorous, eating fruit and insects.

a relationship with starlings.

In 1957, American ornithologist Andrew John Berger cast doubt on the bird's affinity with starlings due to subtle anatomical.


mynah bird; minah; myna bird; Pastor roseus; myna; oscine bird; oscine; Sturnidae; mynah; Pastor sturnus; rose-colored pastor; family Sturnidae; mina; common starling; rose-colored starling; Sturnus vulgaris;

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