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statuaries Meaning in Bengali

সম্মিলিতভাবে মূর্তি

statuaries's Usage Examples:

The bridge is decorated by a continuous alley of 30 statues and statuaries, most of them baroque-style, originally erected around 1700, but now all.

forty pitoresque statues of dwarfs at the Kuks race-course, several statuaries at Charles Bridge in Prague, statues in the St.

Among statuaries in the park are the monument dedicated to Soviet marshal Georgy Zhukov.

pseudo-hieroglyphics decorating facades, along with numerous Pharonic statuaries.

antiquity: architects, carvers, engravers, modellers, painters, sculptors, statuaries, and workers in bronze, gold, ivory, and silver, with three chronological.

Other historical pieces include stone and wooden statuaries, a number of which predates the 10th century.

Maquettes of all of the exterior statuaries as well as various architectural features were produced for review and.

Viking 1 in 1976 Inuksuk, traditional Native Arctic peoples' stone "marker statuaries" in Alaska and Arctic Canada Marcahuasi, a plateau in the Andes, near.

One of the central statuaries in the mausoleum is a replica of Michelangelo's La Pietà.

statues is the Charles Bridge in Prague, which is home to 30 statues and statuaries, mostly baroque, dating to around 1700.

tendencies and the recurrence of the same king's features in almost all of his statuaries (e.

Two large statuaries by Daniel Chester French which formerly stood on top of the building are.

Antiquity: architects, carvers, engravers, modellers, painters, sculptors, statuaries, and workers in bronze, gold, ivory, and silver, with three chronological.

that he is exactly like the busts of Silenus, which are set up in the statuaries' shops, holding pipes and flutes in their mouths; and they are made to.

its location at the center of the Gulf of Mexico and several important statuaries, as well as its location at the southend of a large and undeveloped woodlands.

statuaries's Meaning':

statues collectively


collection; accumulation; aggregation; assemblage; Elgin Marbles;


fauna; flora; prosecution; defense; decrease;

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