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steepen Meaning in Bengali

steepen's Usage Examples:

behaviour of pressure increases, which gets narrower with time, until they steepen into shock waves.

The trails then rejoin and steepen over the last mile to reach the secondary summit of the mountain, the Jackson.

with the equatorial wind appearing as a series of wisp-like features that steepen, brighten, then fade as they move away from the pulsar into the main body.

administered in a customizable pattern and intensity in order to flatten or steepen the cornea through corneal strengthening.

the lower elevations the walls of the escarpment are flatter but these steepen sharply with elevation until the valley walls are nearly vertical at the.

It begins forming a conical shape as the sides steepen to an angle that is unstable.

slopes are moderately gently on three sides; only to the west do they steepen somewhat.

a ring of constriction on the peripheral cornea causing the cornea to steepen making the eye focus better at near.

Warping or faulting of a drainage basin will steepen the stream gradient followed by the downcutting.

also a good approximation for tsunami waves in the ocean, before they steepen near the coast.

particularly difficult, as many of the hairpin corners are blind, and steepen suddenly at the apex, making it necessary to shift to first gear in most.

further east towards Iitti, the ridge becomes narrower and its ridgelines steepen in the surroundings of Uusikylä.

Forward-slip is used to steepen an approach (reduce height) without gaining much airspeed, benefiting from.

This steepens the thermal lapse rates between the lake temperature and the temperatures.

Antidunes form beneath standing waves of water that periodically steepen, migrate, and then break upstream.

six peripheral incisions forming a hexagon around the central cornea to steepen the hyperopic flat cornea and, thereby, focus the rays of light more precisely.

other drag-producing devices, we resorted to the time-proven sideslip to steepen our approaches, up to 1200 fpm.

is increased, causing the central surfaces of the crystalline lens to steepen, the central thickness of the lens to increase (anterior-posterior diameter).

very large distances (normal waves would tend to either flatten out, or steepen and topple over) The speed depends on the size of the wave, and its width.

A long trailing edge flap could be raised, but not lowered, to steepen descents.




detransitivize; stay;

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