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stereoscope Meaning in Bengali

 ঘনদৃক্, একধরনের বীক্ষণযন্ত্র যার মধ্যে দিয়ে একই বস্তুর দুটি ফটোগ্রাফকে স্বল্প ব্যবধান রেখে দেখলে বস্তুটির স্বাভাবিক ত্রিমাত্রিক রূপ আছে বলে মনে হয়,

ঘনদর্শনমূলক ফটোগ্রাফ দেখার জন্য একটি অপটিকাল ডিভাইস



stereoscope's Usage Examples:

A stereoscope is a device for viewing a stereoscopic pair of separate images, depicting left-eye and right-eye views of the same scene, as a single three-dimensional.

stereogram referred to a pair of stereo images which could be viewed using a stereoscope.

pioneer in photography, Brewster invented an improved stereoscope, which he called "lenticular stereoscope" and which became the first portable 3D-viewing device.

similar to normal stereograms except they are viewed without a stereoscope.

A stereoscope presents 2D images of the same object from slightly different.

A stereoscope is a device for viewing stereographic cards, which are cards that contain.

stereopsis, usually prompted by new sorts of stereoscopes.

In Victorian times it was the prism stereoscope (allowing stereo photographs to be viewed),.

stereo pair of images of random dots which when viewed with the aid of a stereoscope, or with the eyes focused on a point in front of or behind the images.

breakthroughs of the Victorian era, including the English concertina, the stereoscope (a device for displaying three-dimensional images), and the Playfair.

The word is often used interchangeably with stereoscope, but it is more general than that.

A stereoscope is a type of haploscope, but not vice versa.

The term stereopticon has been widely misused to name a stereoscope.

The megalethoscope was and is often confused with the stereoscope which was of a different design and effect.

The first stereoscope was invented by Wheatstone in 1838.

appeared in Renaissance Europe and were popular until superseded by the stereoscope in the mid-19th century.

A stereoscope view of the Dairy (after 1870).

A stereoscope view of the Dairy (after.

Switching the two pictures in a standard stereoscope changes all the elevated parts into depressions, and vice versa.

stereoscope's Meaning':

an optical device for viewing stereoscopic photographs

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