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stiffens Meaning in Bengali

 বলিষ্ঠ করা,


বলিষ্ঠ করা,

stiffens শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বিভাগসমূহের মধ্যে সম্পর্কোন্নয়ন, গবেষণার ক্ষেত্রে আন্তর্জাতিক সহায়তাকে বলিষ্ঠ করা এবং জার্মান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়সমূহের আন্তর্জাতিক ভাবমূর্তির উন্নতি করা ।

stiffens's Usage Examples:

finishing treatment for cellulose fabric, mainly cotton and flax, which stiffens the fabric and imparts a degree of translucency.

The stapedius stiffens the ossicular chain by pulling the stapes (stirrup) of the middle ear away.

It tightens and stiffens fabric stretched over airframes, which renders them airtight and weatherproof.

In restrictive cardiomyopathy the ventricle stiffens.

The size stiffens the thread and helps the fibres lie closely together.

The body stiffens for about a minute and then jerks uncontrollably for the next minute.

The protein keratin stiffens epidermal tissue to form fingernails.

It also stiffens the hull structure and makes the boat unsinkable even when filled with.

As the leather dries it stiffens and holds its shape.

"as the wind builds she heels initially, then the cast-iron bulb keel stiffens her up.

Plaque is detrimental to vascular heath because it narrows and stiffens the arteries, causing a lack of oxygen-rich blood flow.

As the long line stiffens and straightens with the thrill that your presence imparts.

"Hoffenheim's Schröck stiffens Eintracht midfield".

part corn starch with two parts table salt and heated and stirred till it stiffens to a dough-like consistency.

to the Hangman's Knot and is taken to the city morgue, where his body stiffens dramatically.

Refrigeration also stiffens the dough, which still rises, albeit slowly, making it easier to form.

Compression shortens and stiffens the O:H nonbond and simultaneously lengthens and softens the H-O covalent.


change; rigidify;


derestrict; stay; loosen;

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