stillbirths Meaning in Bengali
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stillbirths's Usage Examples:
Worldwide prevention of most stillbirths is possible with improved health systems.
Around half of stillbirths occur during childbirth, with this.
pregnancies reaching viable gestational age (including live births and stillbirths).
World Health Organization defines perinatal mortality as the "number of stillbirths and deaths in the first week of life per 1,000 total births, the perinatal.
government office where births, deaths, marriages, civil partnership, stillbirths and adoptions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are registered.
Classification of infant deaths and stillbirths Postnatally (after birth) to estimate various risk factors The mean pregnancy.
estimated at 20 million per year, leading to 70,000 deaths and 3,000 stillbirths.
After her death, her mother suffered three more stillbirths.
worldwide policy and programming that looks to reduce neonatal deaths and stillbirths and works on large-scale implementation research.
had two additional pregnancies that ended in either miscarriages or stillbirths and she died as a result of the latter one.
births, deaths, and marriages (or BDM), which may also include adoptions, stillbirths, civil unions, etc.
nose, lower extremity abnormalities, miscarriages, premature births, stillbirths, or death in newborns.
heterosexual couples, the way in which stillbirths are recorded and how a Coroner's inquest into stillbirths are conducted.
with caution; in the previous two years, Maria Josepha had suffered stillbirths and her health was of a fragile nature.
taminated-drinking-water-linked-to-stillbirths/ In Massachusetts, contaminated drinking water linked to stillbirths, by Gail Sullivan, in The Washington.
It leads to abortion, stillbirths, or early death of affected animals.
It also is a common finding in stillbirths, although not regarded as a cause of these.
abbreviated SBV, is a virus that causes congenital malformations and stillbirths in cattle, sheep, goats, and possibly alpaca.
baby, including fetal malnutrition, meconium aspiration syndrome, and stillbirths.
miscarriage; abortion; spontaneous abortion; partial abortion; incomplete abortion; threatened abortion; imminent abortion; habitual abortion;
success; live birth;