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stipulating Meaning in Bengali

 চুক্তির শর্ত করা,


চুক্তির শর্ত করা,

stipulating's Usage Examples:

semantics and philosophy of language, a meaning postulate is a way of stipulating a relationship between the meanings of two or more words.

and it led to a rule being introduced for the next 1966 Eurovision, stipulating that all participants had to sing in a national language of the country.

Such issues can and should be avoided by parties by stipulating in the contract who will bear the loss in such occurrences.

the Kansas Legislature had passed the Juvenile Justice Reform Act, stipulating that only the most chronic, serious, and violent juvenile delinquents.

since 2013, when the IIHF enacted new "minimum participation standards", stipulating that the country must have at least one functional, full-sized indoor.

structure in the NFL, grandfathered when the NFL's current ownership policy stipulating a maximum of 32 owners per team, with one holding a minimum 30% stake.

associated with: Blood quantum laws, tribal laws in the United States stipulating a certain minimum degree of indigenous and/or tribal ancestry required.

1998, the festival is dedicated to representing true independent cinema stipulating that all films entered into the festival competition have no known directors.

Rules stipulating a maximum wage for players were abolished in 1961.

The 1952 Constitution grants freedom of religion while stipulating that the king and his successors must be Muslims and sons of Muslim parents.

border at Thrace, ceding the Zagoria region to the Bulgarians, as well as stipulating tribute payment to the Bulgarians.

featured a lower monocoque than the 97T as a result of a regulation change stipulating a reduction in fuel capacity to 195 litres.

composer provides highly detailed instructions for the percussionists, stipulating, for example, which part of a suspended cymbal is to be struck with what.

confirming Venetian possessions in the Aegean Sea and the Balkans, and stipulating the rules of maritime trade between them.

Countries have individual specifications stipulating how much of the raw material can be allowed from recycled asphalt.

In 1965, Frances sold the property to The Nature Conservancy, stipulating that the park to be created should be named for her brother.

Though the agreement set a time frame for Syrian military withdrawal, stipulating that the Syrians withdraw within two years, the actual withdrawal did.

describe the true or commonly accepted meaning of a term, while in reality stipulating an uncommon or altered use, usually to support an argument for some view.

He also passed a law stipulating that the Sibylline Books should be overseen by decemviri, of whom half.

was treated as the international border between Israel and Lebanon, stipulating only that forces would be withdrawn to the Israel–Lebanon border.


qualify; undertake; provide; contract; condition; specify;


comfort; decline; unsoundness; dryness; tonicity;

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