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stocking cap Meaning in Bengali


বোনা টুপি,

stocking cap শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

(অনেকটা বেসবল টুপির মতো) অথবা ঠাণ্ডা আবহাওয়া থেকে বিরত থাকার জন্য এক ধরনের বোনা টুপি পরিধান করার অনুমতি দেওয়া হয়; গোলরক্ষকগণ খেলার যেকোনো সময় এই ধরনের টুপি ।

stocking cap's Usage Examples:

(American English); sock hat, knit hat, poof ball hat, bonnet, sock cap, stocking cap, skullcap, ski hat, burglar beanie, sugan, or chook.

"beanie" refers to a knitted cap (often woollen), alternately called a "stocking cap" or "toque".

(also known as yarmulke or skull cap) Knit cap (also known as a Tuque, stocking cap, wool cap, watch cap, ski cap, bobble hat) Kufi (also known as a kofia;.

Their roots are sometimes traced to the casque à meche (stocking cap) worn by 18th-century French chefs.

known for their distinctive attire, which consists of a green and red stocking cap with a tassel, white shirt with full sleeves, red vest, short dark trousers.

example, on July 19, 2020, a young woman wearing only a face mask and stocking cap, later dubbed "Naked Athena" by reporters, confronted police in Portland.

Hebrews wore a headgear that was similar to either a keffiyeh, turban or a stocking cap.

red suit, stocking cap and stockings, and first appeared on Jantzen swimming suits in 1923.

Over the years, the stockings and stocking cap were dropped.

cap, stocking cap, toboggan, watch cap, or goobalini.

cap, also captain's cap Homburg Karakul Kepi Knit cap, also knit hat, stocking cap, toboggan, toque, watch or ski cap Kippah, also kippa, yarmulke, or skullcap.

A red Santa suit, with white fur trim, stocking cap, and black boots.

, a chick similar in appearance to Tweety, dressed in a stocking cap and oversized glasses – would rather read about "Splitting the Fourth.

role to the hilt, growing out his facial hair, donning red robes and a stocking cap, much like the Bhagwan himself.

show, Sportacus wore a blue and white tracksuit, a blue vest, a blue stocking cap with a thick white stripe and thin black stripe on it, light blue goggles.

red-and-white-striped pants and a yellow vest with red buttons, or red overalls and a stocking cap.

(a cotton square folded and wound around a head) or like a turban or stocking cap Young, Gavin (1978) [First published by William Collins ' Sons in 1977].

known as "Bonhomme Carnaval" (a man in a stylized snowman costume with a stocking cap or a top hat) is a common mascot at Quebec winter carnivals.

yard or garage sale sliver, a splinter spendy, expensive or high-priced stocking cap, a knit wool hat supposably (for supposedly), particularly in Wisconsin.

where they had gone to rent a video, when Danny Heinrich, wearing a stocking cap mask and armed with an unloaded revolver, came out of a driveway and.

A Santa Claus stocking cap sits atop a mannequin head in the upper right corner and references "The.


toboggan cap; ski cap; cap;


recall; freeze; demand;

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