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stoning Meaning in Bengali

 পাথর ছুড়িয়া মারা, পাথর দিয়া বাঁধান, আঁটি ছাড়ান, বীচি ছাড়ান,


পাথর ছুড়ে হত্যা,

stoning শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

গর্ভপাত, পুলিশ ও কর্তৃত্বকারী কর্মকর্তা বা কর্মচারীর দ্বারা সহিংসতা, পাথর ছুড়ে হত্যা বা চাবুক মারা ।

করে নাইজেরিয়ার উত্তরাঞ্চলে আমিনা লয়াল নাম্নী এক নারীকে শরীয়া আইনে পাথর ছুড়ে হত্যা করা হয়েছিল ।

তাকে কাবুলে পাথর ছুড়ে হত্যা করা হয় ।

পুরুষে-পুরুষে যৌন ক্রিয়া করলে তাদের পাথর ছুড়ে হত্যা করার আইন প্রচলিত আছে এবং নারীতে নারীতে সমকামিতায় লিপ্ত হলে চল্লিশ ।

stoning's Usage Examples:

offender who is muhsan (adult, free, Muslim, and married at least once) is stoning to death (rajm).

[Acts 11:19–20] The exact site of Stephen's stoning is not mentioned in Acts; instead there are two different traditions.

Rajm (Arabic: رجم‎; meaning stoning) in Islam refers to the Hudud punishment wherein an organized group throws stones at a convicted individual until.

light until video of the stoning, apparently recorded on multiple cell phones, appeared on the Internet.

The rumor that the stoning was connected to her alleged.

criminal justice, the punishment for adultery may be stoning.

There are fifteen countries in which stoning is authorized as lawful punishment, though in recent.

implemented elements of Sharia law and instituted the death penalty (by stoning) for adultery, sodomy, rape, apostasy, blasphemy, and insulting Islam.

gained international notoriety for originally being sentenced to death by stoning for her crimes.

and executions are carried through either a firing squad, hanging, or stoning.

sentenced to stoning are placed in a stoning pit, buried to the neck (women) or waist (men), and others hurl stones at them until they escape the stoning pit,.

characterized by waist high burial in earth followed by lapidation (death by stoning).

secret life Brunei implements stoning to death under new anti-LGBT laws Brunei enacts Islamic laws to punish gay sex with stoning to death – here's what you.

has placed himself between the rebels and Moses, protecting him from the stoning.

Hudud punishments range from public lashing to publicly stoning to death, amputation of hands and crucifixion.


corporal punishment; lapidation;

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