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strangeness Meaning in Bengali

strangeness's Usage Examples:

any of a group of four mesons distinguished by a quantum number called strangeness.

Analogously, the five flavour quantum numbers (isospin, strangeness, charm, bottomness or topness) can characterize the quantum state of.

a nucleus which contains at least one hyperon (a baryon carrying the strangeness quantum number) in addition to the normal protons and neutrons.

electric charge of −1, or if one particle has strangeness of +1 then another one must have strangeness of −1.

developed the concept of strangeness (which Nishijima called eta-charge, after the eta meson ( η )) to explain the 'strangeness' of the longer-lived particles.

(sometimes known as the NNG formula) relates the baryon number B, the strangeness S, the isospin I3 of quarks and hadrons to the electric charge Q.

strangeness and led to the discovery of the strange quark.

Furthermore, these discoveries led to a principle known as the conservation of strangeness.

Nishijima, independently suggested a new conserved value now known as "strangeness" during their attempts to understand the growing collection of known.

The "strangeness" of a strange loop comes from our way of perception, because we categorize.

A strange particle is an elementary particle with a strangeness quantum number different from zero.


unfamiliarity; eccentricity; bizarreness; weirdness; strange; oddity; eeriness; outlandishness; quaintness; crotchet; singularity; queerness; unusualness; freakishness; quirk; ghostliness; quirkiness; abnormality; foreign;


national; domestic; native; usualness; familiarity;

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