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stress mark Meaning in Bengali


চাপ মার্ক,

stress mark's Usage Examples:

vertical line (primary stress mark: ˈ) before the stressed element, secondary stress by a low vertical line (secondary stress mark: ˌ).

Occasionally the stress mark is placed immediately before the nucleus of the syllable, after any consonantal onset.

In such transcriptions, the stress mark does not.

grave accent, and the role of grave accent is limited to the secondary stress mark in certain dictionaries (acute accent shows the main stress): псèвдосфе́ра.

used with Cyrillic text: U+0301 ◌́ COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (= Cyrillic stress mark), in Combining Diacritical Marks block U+0300–U+036F U+20DD ◌⃝ COMBINING.

the stress mark ⟨ˈ⟩ is placed immediately before a stressed syllable, and when the stressed syllable is in the middle of a word, the stress mark also.

diphthong, as the stress mark already marks the diaeresis (ÌA/ìa, ÌE/ìe, ÌO/ìo, ÌU/ìu).

But when this vowel pair is final, the stress mark on the first vowel.

*Although ѝ is always unstressed, a stress mark is written over it to distinguish it from и "and".

gave permission to organize the Rodyna club, it was assumed that the stress mark was on the first syllable meant motherland, Rodina.

In Macedonian the stress mark is orthographically required to distinguish homographs (see Disambiguation).

The other special character is a stress mark, or accent (á, é, í or ú).

is rare, however, as usually meaning is determined by context and no stress mark is written.

truly long vowels) are treated as sequences of vowels, then a single stress mark is sufficient for transcription: áušta /ˈauʃta/ > [ˈâˑʊʃtɐ] ('it cools').

Spanish, the acute accent in the French word élite is taken as a Spanish stress mark, and the word is pronounced [ˈelite].

the shape of the tone (the pitch trace) before the syllable, where a stress mark would go (e.

Multisyllabic forms without a stress mark have variable stress, depending on the nature of the suffix added, following.

forms, stress marks indicate which stem syllable bears stress.

When no stress mark is included, stress assignment follows the regular pattern for Kwakʼwala.

Below, stress is marked by placing the stress mark ⟨ˈ⟩ before the stressed syllable.


accentuation; pitch accent; inflection; accent; word stress; sentence stress; word accent; tonic accent; prosody; emphasis;


implicit; local; slow; keep quiet; play down;

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