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stresses Meaning in Bengali

 শ্বাসাঘাত, পীড়ন, ধকল, কঠিন চাপ, নিয়ামক প্রভাব, নিষ্পেষণ, জোর, বলপ্রয়োগ, জোরাজুরি, দাগা,


দাগা, জোরাজুরি, বলপ্রয়োগ, জোর, নিষ্পেষণ, নিয়ামক প্রভাব, কঠিন চাপ, ধকল, পীড়ন, শ্বাসাঘাত,


জোর করা, পীড়ন করা, শাসন করা, চাপ দেত্তয়া,

stresses's Usage Examples:

Elastic and viscous stresses are usually combined under the name mechanical stress.

mechanics of materials, typically refers to various methods of calculating the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns, and shafts.

calculating stresses in many planes by reducing them to vertical and horizontal components.

These are called principal planes in which principal stresses are.

Residual stresses are stresses that remain in a solid material after the original cause of the stresses has been removed.

in stresses or loads.

Plastic materials that have been hardened by prior deformation, such as cold forming, may need increasingly higher stresses to deform.

normal shear stresses τ n {\displaystyle \tau _{\mathrm {n} }} .

The three stresses normal to these principal planes are called principal stresses.

of biotic stresses imposed on an organism depend the climate where it lives as well as the species' ability to resist particular stresses.

Consequently, it is believed that mandibular tori are the result of local stresses and not due solely to genetic influences.

slowly or deform permanently under the influence of persistent mechanical stresses.

Set screws and similar threaded fasteners not under tensile stresses 6.

sometimes hundreds of kilometres in extent, created by tectonic and localized stresses in Earth's crust.

The stresses can be the result of the crevice loads due to stress concentration, or can be caused by the type of assembly or residual stresses from fabrication.

glass objects after they have been formed, to relieve residual internal stresses introduced during manufacture.

One evaluation of the different stresses in people's lives is the Holmes and Rahe stress scale.

Such stresses cause the glass, when broken, to shatter into small granular chunks instead.

accelerative stresses to their two inner rows of tangential spokes.

An outer row of radial spokes gave lateral strength against cornering stresses.

to combine the strong but controlled legwork of ballet with modern that stresses on torso.

The size of a turret is therefore limited, since it puts additional stresses on the structure of the building.

The relation between stresses and induced strains is expressed by constitutive equations, e.

loads and stresses required, between 50 and 2500 N/mm2 (7-360 ksi) Large, heavy, and expensive machinery in order to accommodate such high stresses and loads.


emphasis; prosody; tonic accent; word accent; sentence stress; word stress; accent; inflection; pitch accent; accentuation;


play down; keep quiet; slow; local; implicit;

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