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strewed Meaning in Bengali

 আকীর্ণ করা, ছড়াইয়া দেত্তয়া,


ছড়াইয়া দেত্তয়া, আকীর্ণ করা,

strewed's Usage Examples:

King Goldemar had lived with Neveling for three years, a curious person strewed ashes and tares about to try to see the kobold's footprints.

Such altars were an elevated outdoor enclosure, generally strewed with Kusha grass, and having receptacles for the sacrificial fire; it was.

but of a beautiful bright red, which is streaked with deeper red, and strewed with patches and dots of russet on the side exposed to the sun.

boots, also provided for the occasion) he stuffed with gold, and then strewed in his hair gold-dust and stuffed more in his mouth.

(1833) poem, Scientific Theories:   O Science! proud Iconoclast, thy way Is strewed with fragments of our reverence And love—idols with small or no pretence.

than shown on the chart Between Hewett and Nort Bay the channel is so strewed with rocks and shoals, some only showing at half tide, that much caution.

The princess strewed flowers over the door sill, and when the giant returned, told him that.

hide the mistake of his colleagues, spread frozen cakes with buttercream, strewed with powder, decorated with floral ornaments.

health was bad, I had dizzy spells where I could hardly drive, I had cars strewed all over this town, because I'd get somewhere, and I'd have to leave 'em.

horse into Bristol attended by followers who sang "Holy, holy, holy" and strewed the way with their garments.

The skin is strewed with dark blotches which vary in size and shape.

, by "nearly 200 Misses, arrayed in white," who strewed flowers in his path "at the same time waving their white handkerchiefs.

by the following contrivance: at the instant the engagement began, they strewed the field of battle with caltrops, and the horses that drew the chariots.

stuck – stuck sting – stung – stung stink – stank – stunk strew – strewed – strewn/strewed stride – strode – stridden/strode strike – struck – struck/stricken.

steep mountains all around, and, wherever a gentle access was possible, he strewed rocks in front in the manner of a rampart.

which my sweet innocent girls walked with me last Summer, that Curragh was strewed with the vile carcasses of popish rebels and the accursed town of Kildare.

heraldic visitation of Leicestershire in 1619: "A wyvern sans legs argent strewed with wounds gules, wings expanded ermine.

village of Theiningen was taken and retaken several times; the streets were strewed with dead bodies, and towards the evening the village was set on fire,.

landing to be received like the Governor of Gibraltar, and to find the road strewed with branches of palm.


litter; straw; distribute; bestrew; spread;


concentrated; stand still; concentration; cross; gather;

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